0,1i was linked an irc net by 0,1a random on efnet callled 0,1"irc.wormsec.us" and so i 0,1connected. next thing ikno 0,1my computer is on fire and 0,1there is 20 niggas outside 0,1my house throwing bananas. 1,1 1,13 1,1 4,1you0 0,13 1 1,1 4,1have 1 1,13 1,0X1,13 _ 1,1 4,1been 0 1 1,0X1,13 / 0,1<-MIKEJONEZ 4,1warned.1 1,13/ 1,1 1,1 1,13 1,1 1,1 1,13 1,1 1,1 1,13 1,1 1,1