The nigger is a subhuman monkey, ape, Fat lips, kinky hair, VIOLENT, RAPIST, SMALL BRAIN (have you noticed how dumm most niggers are)and broad monstrous noses, car jacking saucer-lipped, ignorant fecal colored, ghetto-living, welfare-leeching, crack-smoking, hub-cap stealing. fried-chicken and biscuit eating, watermelon-stealing, 6-yr-old-white-girl-shooting, serial-killing, rapist, robber, murderer, adulterer, liar, fat-assed, white-woman-wanting, loud-radio-at-2:00-a.m.-in-the-morning-playing, undisciplined, tree-swinging, flat-congo-nosed, greasy afro-sheen, baggy-pants, and side-ways cap-wearing, maya angelou-reading, Jesse Jackson-worshiping, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan and Malcum X-believing, disco doo-wop playing, non-athletic, non-musical, shoplifting, non-political, trashy, nasty, filthy, junk-around-the-house and litter-in-the-yard-keeping, incestuous, hoe-beating, unfaithful, dice-shooting, numbers-playing, lottery-wishing, roach-and-rat raising, lice-keeping, crab-farming, graffiti-tagging, gang-banging, drive-by shooting, corner-hanging, unemployed, VCR, television, and radio-pawning, cardboard-box-under the-bridge-living, pork-rib three times-a-day-eating, buck-toothed, knock-kneed, semi-bald, illiterate, cross-eyed, get-it-up-so-you-can-masturbate-to-gay-porn, viagra-taking, connection-frequenting, jungle-visiting, cock-kissing AfroInfectedDickSucking, spawn of a fat, greasy, nasty, sweaty, unwashed slutty bitch whore that should never be trusted or allowed to free range in Human areas.