11,12mrhands repeatedly took horsedick 04,08mrhands02,04 04,08is02,04 04,08BIG02,04 04,08TIME02,04 04,09real name: kenneth pinyan04,08 04,08occupation: boeing engineer 08,07so think about a man getting a horsedick in the ass next time you're on a plane 01,07http://imdb.com/title/tt0874423/ <--- HE'S GOT HIS OWN DOCUMENTARY 01,07even goatse doesn't have one 00,02http://lbn.threat.tv/mrhands.mpg 01,07http://lbn.threat.tv/mrhands.swf 11,12http://lbn.threat.tv/mrhands.wmv 04,00http://lbn.threat.tv/mrhandsfinallygetsfullfilled.swf 11,12http://lbn.threat.tv/mrhandstribute.mpg 12,07http://lbn.threat.tv/mrhandstribute.wmv 11,12when you finally watch mrhands.{mpg|swf|wmv} make sure you have the sound on 01,13because you can't really experience mrhands without the sound 01,13side note:07,04 01,13mr07,04 01,13hands07,04 01,13DIED FROM GETTING FUCKED NI THE ASS BY A HORSE. FACT. 01,13fact: he's like:08,04 01,13"I think I tore my asshole!" 05,01the guy who is filiming and commenting on the clip is named cow_poke 05,01how do you explain it to the people at the emergency room? 05,01that's the thing.01,13 07,10when the horse08,04 07,10finally punctured a lung or whatever 07,10this one time, things just went wrong 08,01but cow_poke didn't want to take him to the hospital 08,01so they sat around just hoping he'd get better 08,01and finally it seemed like he was dying/dead01,07 02,04cow_poke just dropped him off at the emergency room08,05 12_ 12_ 7_ 10_11_11_ 2_6_6_ 7_ 5_5_ 8_9_9_ 10_ 11_11_12| 2|2_6_ 7_7_ 5_ 8_ 9_3_ 11_11_12| 2|2_6_6_ 7(7_5)5_ 8_9_ 10/ 11_ 12\ 2( 6_ 4) 7| 5'5_ 8` 9_ 3\10| 11'11_12_12| 2'6_ 4\ 7/ 5_5` 8| 9'3_ 10\ 11/ 12_12` 2/ 6_4_4| 7| 5| 8'9_ 3\ 10| 11| 12| 2|6/ 4_ 7\ 7| 5| 8| 9| 3| 10| 11| 2| 6| 4| 7| 5(5_8| 9| 3| 10| 11| 12(12_2| 6\6_4_ 7\ 5| 8| 9| 3| 10| 11| 12|12_2| 6| 4(4_7) 5| 5|5_8| 9|9_3| 10|10_11|11_12| 2|6_6| 4|7_7|5\5_8_8,9_9|3_3| 10|11_11|12\12_2_2,6_6|4_4_7_7/ 5|8_8|9_9| 3|10_10| 12\12_2_2_6/ 4\4_7_7_5/