Choosing the right ASCII apps for your chats  Times are tough and plus we'd like to save the environment.  Are you making the best ascii choices for your IRC family?  No worries, chat pal, there's now a simple guide to help!  _ , _ , _ , _ , (_\______/________ (_\______/________ (_\______/________ (_\______/________  \-|-|/|-|-|-|-|/ \-|-|/|-|-|-|-|/ \-|-|/|-|-|-|-|/ \-|-|/|-|-|-|-|/  \==/a|s|c|i|i/ \==/a|s|c|i|i/ \==/a|s|c|i|i/ \==/a|s|c|i|i/  \/|-|-|-|,-' \/|-|-|-|,-' \/|-|-|-|,-' \/|-|-|-|,-'  \--|-''' \--|-''' \--|-''' \--|-'''  \_j________ \_j________ \_j________ \_j________  (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_) (_)  Traceback (most recent call last):  File "/home/retard/.local/lib/python3.8/site-pac  fh = fp.fileno()  AttributeError: '_idat' object has no attribute 'f  During handling of the above exception, another ex  0,01Software: mircarttools  Traceback (most recent call last): 0,01ASCII: bexmark  File "./", line 154, in i'm ^C11,11 11,11 1,01112,12 0,00 1,01112,12 1,01111,11 [06:1,11[06:31,11:09] i don't know if it's my imagination 11,11 1,01112,12 0,00 1,0110,00 12,12 1,01111,11 1,11or what. i dont know if i m being scientific or what11,11 11,11 1,01111111111111111111111,11 1,11japedbird.11,11 11,11 1,01112,12 0,00 1,0110,00 12,12 1,01111,11 8,08 11,11 11,11 1,01112,12 1,01112,12 1,01111,11 1,11maybe japedbird should write golang11,11 8,08 11,11 11,11 1,01112,12 1,01112,12 1,01111,11 1,11not javascript11,11 8,08 11,11 11,11 1,0110,00 12,12 1,01112,12 1,01111,11 0,00 8,08 0,00 8,08 11,11 11,11 1,0110,00 12,12 1,01112,12 1,01111,11 0,00 4,00.0,00 2,02 0,00 8,08 11,11 11,11 1,01111111111111111111111,11 1,11chzz = otcjuul11,11 0,00 4,00.0,00 2,02 0,00 8,08 11,11 11,11 0,00 4,00,0,00 5,05 0,00 4,00.0,00 4,00.0,00 8,08 11,11 11,11 1,11pls get bex11,11 0,00 11,11 8,08 0,00 4,00.0,00 8,08 0,00 8,08 11,11 11,11 0,01Software: asciibird 0,00 11,11 8,08 0,00 8,08 11,11 11,11 0,01ASCII: bexmark 0,00 11,11 8,08 0,00 8,08 11,11 0,00 11,11 11,11 0,01Rating: ** (two stars; 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