68,1 +sansGato | I MISSED THE BIRTH OF MY SON OVER THIS ! 68,1 @durendal | you were12,1 68,1right to abandon them 68,1 +sansGato | i did not abandon them, i only trusted that dw1 would keep to his word for once 68,1 +sansGato | but he continues to refuse not to post 91,12 7,4 4,7 7,4 91,12 68,1 +sansGato | and nowl i am left in the dirt 91,12 7,4 4,7 7,4 4,7 7,4 91,12 8,91 No Candles mom!??? 91,12 68,1 +sansGato | birthless and dry. 91,12 13,8 8,91 91,12 68,1 @dw1 | sansGato: 91,12 12,8 0,7 13,8 0,7 13,8 91,12 13,0 91,12 68,1 @dw1 | sansGato: 91,12 12,8 11,0 98,1 11,0 12,8 0,11 98,1 11,0 13,8 13,0 91,12 68,1 @dw1 | i am pleased to inform u 91,12 12,8 1,11 8,11 1,11 11,0 12,8 4,11 0,8 8,11 13,0 91,12 68,1 @dw1 | that ur order is read 91,12 12,8 1,11 13,8 0,8 1,11 13,8 12,8 4,11 13,0 Dw1 Does Not 91,12 68,1 +sansGato | too late I am going to see my son. 91,12 12,8 1,11 13,8 98,1 1,13 91,0 13,0 91,0 13,0 91,0 91,12 68,1 +sansGato | it is his birthday. 91,12 12,8 1,11 13,8 98,1 4,11 13,8 1,13 91,0 4,0AND WILL NOT EVER 13,0 91,0 13,0 91,12 68,1 @dw1 | fuck dat little knicka 91,12 13,4 4,11 13,4 13,0 91,0 13,0 91,0 13,0 91,0 91,12 68,1 +sansGato | he is... .000000001 years young 91,12 13,4 4,11 13,4 1,13 13,0 91,12 68,1 @dw1 | no he's 0 91,12 13,4 91,12 13,4 1,13 13,0 Believe in half Birthdays!!! 1,13 91,12 68,1 +sansGato | no 91,12 4,8 91,12 13,4 1,13 13,0 1,13 13,0 1,13 13,0 1,13 91,12 68,1 @dw1 | 😑 91,12 13,4 1,13 13,0 1,13 0,13YOU ARE ZERO!!!1,13 91,12 68,1 @slime | lol 91,12 13,4 1,13 0,13NO CANDLES FOR YOU!!!1,13 91,12 68,1 +sansGato | it has been a minowl 91,12 4,8 1,13 13,13H 0,13Happy Birthday1,13 0,13!!!!!!!!1,13 91,12 68,1 +sansGato | do the math 91,12 4,8 1,13 91,12 68,1 +sansGato | dats .0000001 91,12 68,1 @dw1 | but birthdaysdont celebrate minutes 91,12 68,1 @dw1 | https://i.imgur.com/30DwS5u.mp4 91,12 68,1 +issue | WA: convert 1 minute to years = 1.903×10^-6 years 91,12 68,1 @dw1 | birthdays dont celebrate minutes 68,1 @slime | hmmm 68,1 @durendal | you can have a fraction of a birthday, just ask my 4 and a half year owld cousin 68,1 0,1 68,1 @dw1 | he's 0 for a year. 68,1 +sansGato | are u a scientist nowl!? 68,1 +sansGato | mr. birthday expert! 68,1 @dw1 | no he's 0 68,1 * | sansGato walks owl and slams door 68,1 @dw1 | im kronos 68,1 +sansGato | NOTHING IS ZERO! [do not call my son dat!] 68,1 @slime | lol i remember some kids getting half year birthdays