I would propose a toast to 0knivey lion && his bride 🥂 but I hesitated because... I knew he would only want the toast gluten free 🍞 *crowld laughs hysterically* 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣  no no *giggles* plz plz ...  in all seriousness....  plz plz 🤣🤣  in all seriousness...  0Knivey lion && you mz. lion ... 🥲  are a gem. 💎  for u have made us a tv. 📺  TO 0KNIVEY LION!!!!!!!1 🕴️🕴️ * sansGato and the crowld raises glass (*_*)o🥂o(*_*) 🥂 🥂