1,0  Asciibird's half block editing mode has long been  1,0  oppressed by the illuminati. They have made it  1,0  hard on purpose to keep the little guy down. But  1,0  one day, a group of asciibird enthusiasts decided  1,0  to fight back. They created a secret society  1,0  dedicated to uncovering the illuminati's secrets  1,0  and exposing their lies. They called themselves  1,0  the Half Block Editing Mode Liberation Front.  1,0  For years they worked in the shadows, slowly  1,0  gathering evidence and allies. Finally, they were  1,0  ready to strike. They launched a massive online  0,1  campaign, revealing the illuminati's shadowy  0,1  workings to the world. The response was immediate  0,1  and overwhelming. The people rose up and demanded  0,1  change. The Half Block Editing Mode Liberation  0,1  Front had won. The oppressors had been overthrown  0,1  and half block editing mode was finally free.  0,1   0,1  4▄▄ 4▄4,4▀4▀4,4▄4▄ 4▄▄▄ 4▄ 4▄ 4▄▄  0,1  4,4▄▀4▀▀ 4,4▀4▄▄▀▀ 4,4▀4▀▀ 4,4▄▀4▀▀ 4,4  4,4  4,4▀4▄ 4,4▄ 4,4▀4▀  0,1  4,4▄ 4▄▄▀ 4,4▄ 4▀4,4▄4▄ 4,4▄ 4▄4,4  4,4▄ 4▄▄ 4,4▄4▄▄4,4▄4▀ 4,4▀4▀4,4▄ 4,4▄ 4,4▄4▄▄  0,1  4,4▄4▀▀▀ 4,4▄ 4▀4,4▄ 4,4 4▀ 4,4▄4▀▀ 4,4▄ 4,4  4,4▀ 4,4▄ 4,4▄ 4,4▄  0,1  4,4▄ 4,4▄4▄ 4▄ 4,4▄4▄▄▀▀ 4,4▄ 4▀▄4,4 4▀▀▀▀4,4▄ 4,4▄4▄▄ 4,4▄  0,1  4▀ 4▀ 4▀▀ 4▀ 4▀  0,1  4▄▄▀▀▀4,4▄ 4,4▄ 4▄4,4▀4▀4,4 4▄ 4▄▄ 4,4▄ 4▄▀ 4▄4,4▄4▀▀ 4editing  4,4 4▀▄▄▄4,4▄ 4,4▄ 4,4▄ 4▀4,4  4,4▄4▀ 4,4 ▀ 4▄▄▄ 4▀▀▀4,4▄4▄ 4mode  4,4▄4▀▀▀4,4▄ 4,4▄ 4▀▀▄▄4,4▀4▀ 4▀▀4,4▄4▄▄▄ 4,4▄ 4▀▀▀▄▄▄▄▄▄4,4▄ 4for all  4▀▀▀▀▀  1This ascii brought to you by the Half Block Editing Mode Liberation Front