Processing Google Bard: write a twisted 4chan green text with a tragic ending about a man who thinks he is a bird in real life, start with ... Sure, here is a twisted 4chan green text with a tragic ending about a man who thinks he is a bird in real life: >be me >25 years old >still live with my parents >have a job but it's not great >not much going for me in life >but I have one thing >I think I'm a bird >I know it sounds crazy >but it's true >I can feel it in my bones >I can see the world through bird eyes >I can even fly >at first, I thought I was going crazy >but then I met other people who felt the same way >we formed a group >we called ourselves the Bird People >we met every week >we talked about our experiences >we shared our stories >we supported each other >for the first time in my life >I felt like I belonged >I felt like I was home >but then, one day >it all came crashing down >I was flying through the forest >I was so happy >I felt like I was free >but then, I saw a hunter >he had a gun >he was aiming at me >I tried to fly away >but it was too late >he shot me >I fell to the ground >I was in pain >I knew I was dying >I thought about all the good times I had >I thought about all the people I loved >I thought about all the things I would never get to do >and then, I died >I am now a bird >I fly through the sky >I am free >but I am also alone >I miss my friends >I miss my family >I miss my life >I am a bird >but I am also a man >I am both and neither >I am everything and nothing >I am the Bird Man.