9,14 Hi pals welcome to asciibird v1 testing build3,14 2,14 2,14 9,14 from the readme.md2,14 2,14 # Big Shout outs to Patrons 2,14 2,14 > beenz, xartet, OfMonsters&Crime, mouse, funkpower, Charles, PP4L, 2,14 octopus, addct, hotline, dingopride, skg, eraser, aaa, chz, L0j1k 2,14 2,14 # Current Features 2,02 2,14 2,02 2,14 2,14 2,00 2,14 2,00 2,14 2,14 * Tabbed ASCII editing 2,00 2,14 2,00 2,14 2,14 * Layers support 2,02 2,14 2,02 2,14 2,14 * Show and hide layers 2,08 M A Y O 2,14 2,08 M A Y O 2,14 2,14 * Change layer order 2,08 2,14 2,08 2,14 2,14 * Double click to rename layer 2,00 2,14 2,00 2,14 2,14 * Context menu for layers 2,14 * Copy and paste ASCII blocks between tabs with the select tool 2,14 * Remembers state on refresh and when the browser loads, can also export 2,14 the state to a file and load elsewhere. 2,14 * So you never lose your ascii art! 2,14 * Saves layers, brushes data also to same file 2,14 * Can import from clipboard, load from irc.watch/ascii, load from file 2,14 * Can export mirc ascii to clipboard, file or HTTP POST 2,14 * 99 Colour support 2,14 * Swap fg and bg colours with button click or Alt + r 2,14 * Mirror X and Y 2,14 * Grid mode with Alt + g 2,14 * Undo and redo with Ctrl + z and Ctrl + y, undos are set to a limit of 200 2,14 at the moment. 2,14 * Fg, Bg and Char boxes to filter when using certain tools 2,14 * For example filling with Char unchecked will ignore characters when filling 2,14 * If you want to remove the background but keep the text, uncheck FG and Char 2,14 and eraser the bg only. 9,14 2,14 2,14 * Image overlay to trace images 9,14 6,01▀▀9,01▄▄▄3,01▄6,01 ▀▀9,14 2,14 2,14 * Accepts URLs only at the moment 9,14 6,01 9,10█9,01▀▀9,03▒1,01 12,03░▓6,01 9,14 2,14 2,14 * Can adjust the size and properties 6,14 9,10█9,01█1,01 9,03░1,01 12,03▒▓█6,01 2,14 2,14 * Toolbar containing 6,14 9,14███9,03░ 12,01▄▄▌▐1,03█6,01 2,14 2,14 * Select, to copy and paste blocks as brushes 9,14 3,01 9,01▀▄▀▀3,01▀12,01▀▄1,03█10,01 6,01 9,14 2,14 2,14 * Text mode, with arrow key support 9,14 6,01▄▄9,01▀▀▀▀6,01 ▄▄9,14 2,14 2,14 * Fill background blocks 2,14 * Brush mode, can be controlled with keyboard and mouse 2,14 * Block picker (grab fg, bg and char of a block) 2,14 * Eraser - remove blocks, can be controlled with keyboard and mouse 2,14 * Fill Eraser - Fill remove blocks by bg, fg or char 2,14 * Brush Library and History 2,14 * Make circle, square, cross and other brushes by sizes 2,14 * Brush history, can save or re-use old brushes 2,14 * Library - Save most used brushes to library 2,14 * Brush history is set to a limit of 50 2,14 * Brush Preview 2,14 * Editable brush preview 2,14 * Clicking updates block 2,14 * Right clicking removes block 2,14 * Hovering outside brush area will save brush to history 2,14 * Context menu available on all brushes preview areas 2,14 * Export any brush to PNG, mIRC clipboard or file by right clicking the brush 2,14 2,14 # Keyboard Shortcuts 2,14 2,14 ## ASCII Editing 2,14 2,14 * Ctrl + Z - Undo 2,14 * Ctrl + Y - Redo 2,14 2,14 * Escape - Return to default mode, stop using any tool and close fg, bg 2,14 and char panels. 2,14 2,14 * Alt 1 to 8 - Will toggle the corresponding toolbar icon 2,14 2,14 * Ctrl 1 to 0 - Change ASCII tab if possible 2,14 2,14 * Alt + c - Opens character Panel (You can then press on the keyboard your 2,14 desired character or select from the list) 2,14 * Alt + f - Opens foreground panel (can then press 0 to 9 for the colour) 2,14 * Alt + b - Opens background panel (can then press 0 to 9 for the colour) 2,14 2,14 * Alt + g - Toggle grid mode 2,14 2,14 * Alt + x - Toggle Mirror X 2,14 * Alt + y - Toggle Mirror Y 2,14 * Alt + u - Toggle Update Brush (change brush preview if fg, bg or char 2,14 changes) 2,14 * Alt + r - Flip FG and BG colours 2,14 2,14 * Ctrl + e - Edit ASCII 2,14 * Ctrl + q - Close ASCII 2,14 * Ctrl + m - New ASCII (can't use ctrl + n) 2,14 * Ctrl + o - Toggle Asciibird Options 2,14 2,14 ### Importing 2,14 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + o - Open mIRC TXT File as new Ascii 2,01 2,14 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + v - Paste New Ascii 2,01 2,05 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,05 2,14 ### Exporting 2,01 2,05 2,14 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,05 2,01 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + C - Copy to clipboard 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + F - Save to TXT file 2,01 2,07 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + G - Save to PNG file 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + H - Save to HTTP Post 2,01 2,00 2,01 2,00 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,00 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,00 2,01 2,14 ## Showing / Hiding menus, tabs9,14 2,14and panels 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,07 2,14 * Ctrl + Alt + t - Hide / Show Tabs 2,01 2,07 2,05 2,07 2,14 * Ctrl + Alt + m - Hide / Show Menu 2,01 2,05 2,01 2,05 2,14 * Ctrl + Alt + d - Hide / Show Debug Panel 2,01 2,05 2,14 * Ctrl + Alt + b - Hide / Show Brush Library 2,01 2,05 2,01 2,14 * Ctrl + Alt + l - Hide / Show Layers 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,15 2,14 * Ctrl + Alt + n - Hide / Show Toolbar 2,01 2,08 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,08 2,01 2,14 2,14 * Ctrl + Alt + e - Hide / Show Brush Preview 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,08 2,01 2,08 2,01 2,14 2,14 ## Select Mode 2,01 2,08 2,07 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,08 2,01 2,08 2,01 2,14 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,08 2,01 2,15 2,14 * Ctrl + c - Copy blocks to clipboard 2,01 2,07 2,01 2,14 2,15 2,01 2,14 * Ctrl + x - Cut blocks to clipboard 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,07 2,08 2,01 2,08 2,14 * Ctrl + v - Paste blocks as brush 2,01 2,07 2,08 2,01 2,14 2,08 2,14 * Delete - Delete selected blocks 2,01 2,14 2,15 2,01 2,14 2,01 9,14 2,01 2,07 2,08 2,07 2,08 2,14 ## Eraser Mode 2,01 2,07 2,08 2,14 2,01 2,05 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,07 2,08 2,07 2,01 2,07 2,08 2,14 * Four arrow keys control text cursor 2,01 2,05 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,07 2,08 2,07 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,07 2,08 2,14 * Space - apply eraser 2,01 2,05 2,14 2,01 2,05 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,07 2,08 2,07 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,07 2,08 2,14 2,01 2,05 2,00 2,01 2,05 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 ## Brush Mode 2,01 2,05 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,15 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,15 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,14 * Four arrow keys control text cursor 2,01 2,14 2,15 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,14 * Space - apply brush 0,14 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 * Ctrl + ] - Increase both brush0,14 sizes by 1 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,14 * Ctrl + [ - Decrease both brush0,14 size0,01s by 1 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,14 * e - rotate brush 0,14 0,01 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,14 * q - flip brush 2,01 0,01 2,01 2,14 2,14 0,14 0,01 2,01 2,14 ## Text mode 0,01 2,01 2,14 0,14 0,01 2,01 2,14 2,14 * Four arrow keys control text cu0,14rsor 0,01 0,05 0,01 0,05 0,01 2,01 2,14 2,14 * Delete - Remove text from high0,14light0,01ed block0,05 0,01 0,05 0,14 0,01 0,14 0,05 0,01 2,01 2,14 * Backspace - Remove current cha0,14rac0,01ter and mo0,05ve0,01 t0,05o 0,14pr0,01ev0,14io0,01us b0,05lo0,01ck0,05 0,01 2,01 2,04 2,14 * Enter - Go to next line and re0,14set X posit0,01ion to 00,14 0,05 0,01 0,00 0,15 0,14 0,05 0,15 0,05 0,01 2,01 2,04 2,07 2,14 0,14 0,01 0,15 0,14 0,15 0,01 0,00 0,15 0,14 0,05 0,01 2,01 2,07 2,14 ### Layers Related 0,14 2,14 2,01 2,05 2,15 2,14 0,14 0,15 0,14 0,05 0,01 0,02 2,02 2,07 2,04 2,07 2,04 2,14 0,14 2,14 2,01 2,14 2,05 2,15 2,14 2,01 2,05 2,14 2,02 2,07 2,04 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + t - Show / Hide Layer 2,01 2,14 2,05 2,15 2,14 2,01 2,05 2,14 2,02 2,07 2,04 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + r - Rename Layer 2,01 2,14 2,15 2,01 2,05 2,14 2,15 2,02 2,07 2,04 2,01 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + a - Add Layer 2,01 2,07 2,05 2,14 2,12 2,02 2,07 2,01 2,15 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + d - Delete Layer 2,01 2,04 2,07 2,02 2,12 2,07 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,15 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + s - Move Layer Down 2,01 2,02 2,04 2,07 2,02 2,12 2,07 2,01 2,15 2,05 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + w - Move Layer Up 2,01 2,02 2,12 2,05 2,04 2,07 2,02 2,07 2,04 2,01 2,14 2,01 2,05 2,14 * Ctrl + Shift + m - Merge All Layers 2,01 2,02 2,12 2,01 2,05 2,04 2,07 2,04 2,01 2,05 2,01 2,14 0,14 0,01 0,12 2,12 2,02 2,01 2,05 2,04 2,05 2,01 2,14 # Context Menus (right click menus0,14) 0,01 0,14 2,14 2,05 0,05 0,01 2,01 0,01 0,02 2,02 2,14 0,14 0,01 0,14 0,01 0,14 0,01 0,05 2,14 2,01 0,01 0,15 0,01 0,02 0,01 2,14 * Right clicking on any brush prev0,14i0,01ew0,15 in 0,01th0,15e 0,01main a0,05re0,14a or l0,01ib0,15ra0,01ry0,05 w0,01ill allow 0,05u 2,14 to export to PNG, txt or clipboar0,14d j0,01ust th0,14e 0,01br0,12ush 0,14itself0,01. 0,07 0,05 0,04 0,05 0,04 2,14 * The main ascii has a few export 0,14o0,01pt0,15io0,14ns0,05 i0,01f 0,05yo0,02u ri0,01ght cl0,04ick 0,07on the a0,04sc0,05ii0,04 2,14 * The dashboard area (outside the 0,14asc0,01ii) wa0,05s ac0,01tual0,04ly t0,07he very 0,04first me0,05nu0,04 in 2,14 asciibird! and has some basic short0,14cuts0,01 0,15 0,14 0,01 0,04 0,07 0,04 0,05 0,04 2,14 * Layers can also be right clicked 0,14to pre0,01view0,04 t0,07heir functions0,04 0,05 0,04 2,14 0,14 0,01 0,07 0,04 2,04 2,05 0,01 0,05