00Bing (5,990,000 Results): https://idiom 00s.thefreedictionary.com/rob+blind 00,04(00Rob 00blind - I00,04dioms by The F00ree Dictionary) 00-- rob 00,04some00,08one blind 100,04. Fig. t00o steal f 00reely00,04 fro00,08m someone. Her maid 00,04was 00robbin 00g he00,04r b00,08lind. I 00,04do00,08n't want them to00,04 r00ob m 00e b00,04li00,08nd. Keep a00,04n 00,08eye on them. 2. F00,04ig00. t 00o o00,04v00,08ercharge someone. You are tryin00,04g00 to 00 00,04rob00,08 00,01me00,08 b00,01li00,08nd. 00,01I00,08 wo00,01n't 00,08pa00,01y i00,08t!00,01 Tho00,08se00,04 00au 00t00,04o 00,08re00,01pai00,08r00,01 s00,08hops00,01 00,08can00,01 00,08ro00,01b 00,08y00,01o00,08u00,01 00,08bl00,01i00,08nd if00,04 00yo 00u00,04 d00,08on00,01'00,08t00,01 w00,08a00,01tc00,08h o00,01u00,08t.00,01 S00,08ee00,01 als00,08o00,01: 00,08b00,01lind,00,08 00,04r00ob  04,04 08,08 01,01 08,08 01,01 08,08 01,01 08,08 01,01 08,08 01,01 08,08 01,01 08,08 04,04 04   04,04 08,08 01,01 08,08 01,01 08,08 01,01 08,08 01,01 08,08 01,01 08,08 04,04 04   04,04 08,08 04,04 04   04,04 08,08 04,04 04   04,04 08,08 04,04 04   04,04 08,08 04,04 04   04,04 08,08 04,04 08,04 08   04,04 04