00,08 09,01shut up you don't even chat every day 00,08 09,01i chat the most everyone here knows 00,08 09,01how much i chat on this channel on 00,08 09,01the internet chat every day 24/7 00,08 00,01 00,08 09,01u are chatting like a d-level 01,01 00,08 00,01 00,08 09,01celebrity in fact i think i ch 00,08 00,01 00,08 09,01at more on efnet than on this01,01 00,08 00,01 00,08 09,01network but you try to drown01,01 00,08 00,01 00,08 09,01out my chats i just want to b 00,08 00,01 00,08 09,01treated normally and just ke 00,08 09,01ep in mind please some peopl 09,08e00,08 09,01are sensitive to these chats 00,08 09,01and other chatters are sensi 09,08a00,08 01,00 09,01tive to those chatters being s 00,08 01,00 09,01ensitive i won't name names bc 09,08 00,08 01,00 09,01i01,01 01,00 09,01got in trouble with one chatte 09,08r00,08 01,00 09,01r01,01 01,00 09,01since it ruined his nice dinner 00,08 09,01wi01,00 09,01th his family and when these chatters 00,08 01,00 09,01get mad they get real mad and people get 01,01 00,08 09,01m01,00 09,01ad01,01 09,01w01,00 09,01hen people get mad and we all feel a little01,01 00,08 09,01cheated and bummed out in the corner and have you heard01,01 00,08 09,01about that train with a15,13 01,01 09,01name about butts i wish my c 00,08 09,01oun09,00 01,00 09,01try had goo15,13░░░ 09,01d jokes like that now onto t 00,08 09,01h15,13 01,00 09,01e ad09,00 01,00 09,01ve15,13░ ░ 01,00 09,01nt of code leaderboard i 00,08 01,00 15,13 01,00 15,13 01,00 15,13 01,00 09,01think im doing good even01,01 00,08 15,13 01,00 15,13 01,00 15,13 01,00 00,08░░09,01though i got one wrong b 09,08 00,08 ░░░░░░░░░ ░░ 09,01ut after learning ruby t 00,08 01,08sunday morning chats00,08 09,01hings are going much bet 00,08 09,01ter now and i wonder if 00,08 09,01there's a bitwise hack t