Why do orphans love boomerangs? Because they actually come back -- Why do orphans play gta -- New Teacher: I was an orphan as a kid. -- Why are orphans bad at poker? -- I made a website for orphans, unfortunately it doesn’t have a homepage. -- What’s a orphans favorite movie -- Why can’t orphans go on school field trips? -- Girl: come over orphan: I can’t
Girl: my parents aren’t home ;) orphan: oh cool something we have in common -- What type of flour do you buy an orphan? Self raising -- i saw a little kid crying yesterday, so i asked him where his parents were. God i love working at an orphanage -- if you’re ever bored, punch an orphan. what are they gonna do? tell their parents? -- What show does an orphan hate? -- How did the orphan become famous ? They said “Go Big or Go Home” -- What do you call a orphans family reunion? -- Why was the Orphans first phone a IphoneX -- Why are there only 363 days in an orphans calendar They don’t have fathers or Mother’s Day -- why can’t orphans work at S.C Johnson -- What do blind kids and orphans have in common -- Why do orphans go to church? Because they can finally call someone father -- What is an orphan’s favorite event -- There is an upside to being an orphan… every bag of chips is family size -- How do you make an orphans hands bleed? -- Why don’t orphans work as computer repair technicians? -- When someone calls you say this, Hi Welcome to Dave’s Orphanage, You make them We take them how may I help you! :) -- Did you know the letter F in orphan stands for family? -- One day I was saw a kid sitting on the curb dressed in rags I asked if he was an orphan he said “Yeah what gave me away” I said his parents -- Why cant orphans do homework? -- What is an orphans favorite beer? -- Well I’m off too the orphanage to tell yo mama jokes -- y do orphans eat cereal with water -- Dad: I’m giving all your toys to the orphanage Kid: Why are you doing that? -- Cmon man, give the orphans a break with these jokes -- what’s the difference between puppies and orphans -- What do you call an orphans family tree A stump -- April fools joke go to an orphanage and tell them their parents came back -- Why did the orphan become a prostitute -- Kid: “I wish I could be like Batman!” -- Q.How does E.T have an advantage over orphans A. E.T can actually phone home -- These jokes are fun for the whole family to enjoy. -- Why is it when women decided to kill an unborn baby its a “CHOICE” but when i decide to drive my F-150 into a playground full of kids its called “MURDER”! -- Guys, we should stop making jokes about orphans, their parents will get mad. Oh…Wait…Continue. -- knock knock. orphan: whos there? not your parents -- Never tell an Orphan about a family matter, they wouldn’t understand -- Why do some couples make their status “single” after a small argument? Like I don’t put “orphan” after I get into an argument with my family. -- What is an orphans family portrait called? -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? They don’t know where home is -- why cant orphans watch PG movies? -- What do you call a virgin from Alabama? -- Why can orphans travel around so much? -- What song do orphans hate the most?“we are family”. -- Can orphans eat at a family restaurant? -- A girl and dog get dropped off at an orphanage why was she crying before she went in Because the people came back for their dog -- As siblings we always joke about being adopted it stops being funny when your playing in your parents room and find both of your adoption papers -- Why can’t orphans eat a large bag of chips? Because their family size. -- Why do orphans like getting kidnapped Because someone actually wants them 🤣 -- last night i burned down an orphanage there was one survivor who said i would regret it i said “what are you gonna do, tell your parents?” -- So theres a orphan in a hospital and the doctor walks up and says “sorry kid but this is a family hospital” -- Orphan- I want to kill my parents -- It’s April fools day. I’m gonna go to the orphanage and tell kids their parents are here to pick them up. -- tell a dark joke to an orphan then hit them -- cemetery should be built next to orphanages, so the orphans can see their parents -- What’s the difference between apple’s and orphans apples actually get picked -- I’m a family doctor and I wish I could help but… you’re an orphan -- Teacher: You cant be here after school without a parent! -- Why can’t an orphan get suspended or expelled from school Because they need to contact parents -- Why can’t orphans go on an away trip? Because they already are on one. -- What is the difference between an orphan and a apple? -- Welcome to daves orphanage. You make it We take it -- what movie does an orphan want for Christmas, spiderman homecoming ;) -- Orphan boy:Your dad is probably dissapointed of you i mean look at you Me: well at least my parents kept me wheres yours -- The F in orphan stands for family… oh wait -- One day an orphan threw a boomerang and it didn’t come back like it’s parents -- What’s the difference between an orphan and a watermelon? One of them is fun to hit with a sledge hammer and the other one is just a watermelon -- Why was the orphan walking through the neighborhood? Idk either it’s not like he has a home to go too. -- why do orphans hate going to costco because they need a parent to get samples -- Q: What was the orphans first phone? A: The iPhone X because it had no home button -- you tell an orphan joke to an orphan you start laughing they start crying they say they are going to tell their mom then you start laughing harder -- Teacher: Describe a penguin -- How do orphans have a family reunion? They look in the mirror -- Q:What the orphan’s favorite part of a website. -- On Xbox live an orphan can say they f ed your mom so you can say at least mine didnt die from it. -- An orphanage got robbed yesterday, let’s just say that’s the second worst thing to happen to those orphans. At least they didn’t end up like their parents. -- Why do orphans have water with cereal? Because there dad never came back with the milk -- Do want to know why they call it an orphanage? Cause they couldn’t call it orphans home -- why dose a orphan love to go to church because they have someone to call father -- Why do orphans like Batman? -- Why are orphans so good at tennis? -- A teacher asked his students a math question. “You have one dollar. Your parents give you five dollars. How much money do you have?” -- Girl: I’ve been a orphan since I was three. -- Why do orphans go to church? So they have someone to call father -- Why do orphans play GTA? -- Why are orphans so bad at baseball? -- An orphan walks into a supermarket, gets lost calls for his mum then remembers -- Once I saw A girl crying and asked where are your parents; God I love working at orphanages. -- whats the difference between orphans and apples? -- What do you do when you see a sad orphan? -- (I want to apologize in advance. These are very dark jokes) -- What do you call an orphan taking a picture with it’s family? -- What joke do you tell an orphan? -- why cant a orphan play family fued because it has to have a family -- What do you call an orphan taking a family photo? A selfie -- what’s the difference between an orphan and an apple? an apple gets picked -- I got a orphan a Iphone 6 I told him to press the home button he has been doing it all day -- people call me a bad person but just the other day i saw a little kid crying and asked him where were his parents , i love working at the orphanage -- What is the similarities of an orphan and a newborn plant, Both their parents were seperated. -- What do you call an asian kid who’s bad at math? -- Why is it so easy to bully an orphan. What are they gonna do tell there mum -- WHY DO ORPHANS PLAY MINECRAFT -- Why do I only date orphans? Because they never have daddy issues -- Why do orphans have water in their cereal? Because their dad never came home with the milk. -- What’s an orphan’s favorite spiderman movie? -- What’s missing in an orphanage computer? -- Knock knock, -- Why do orphans hate milk? Cause their family is still shopping for it! -- why cant the orphan play the game of life? they dont know what a family road trip is. 😆 -- How to make a orphans hand bleed??? By making them clap until there parents come back. -- Why did the orphan commit mass murder? -- dark humor is like parents not everybody gets it -- When I saw a girl sitting on the ground crying -- I saw an orphan crying the other day, so I ask, “where are your parents?” God, I love working at an orphanage:) -- Me-are you an orphan? Boy-yeah, what gave me away? Me-…ur parents -- Why do orphans want to be communist? So they would have a motherland. -- New Teacher: I was an orphan as a kid. -- the orphan: why don’t my parents love me? me: because you don’t have any -- If you are ever bored punch an orphan what are they gunna do tell their parents? -- If you are going to make fun of someone make fun of orphans. What are they going to do, tell their parents? -- Boy and girl playing hide and seek… girl: I found you, Boy: what gave me away, Girl: ur parents obviously -- A little kid was lost and he asked me to find his home, I love working at the orphanage -- For orphans every bag of chips is family size -- Why do orphans wanna be a criminal? So that they can be wanted. -- Why can’t orphans say I’m in the ghetto? Because they can’t say I’m in a home -- Everyone loves orphans, -- Why cant orphans work at S.C Johnson? -- I saw this little girl crying I asked her where her parents where she cried more man I love working at an orphanage -- What did one orphan say to the other? Robin, get in the Batmobile. -- Why did the orphan want to become a prostitute? -- Why cant a orphan go to mcdonalds theres no point in the words happy meal -- Teacher: I used to be an orphan once. -- How do you know when an orphan is lying. -- Q: Why did the Orphan get an IPhone X for their birthday? -- why is orphan so scared of the dark they don’t have a dad to check the closet, -- whats the diffrent between an othern and a apple tree -- What type of cookie has an orphan never had? Homemade cookies -- Dark humor jokes about orphans are funny bc no parents are gonna be told -- whats an orphans most hated show -- What is the differences an orphan and pikachu? Pikachu I chose you! -- why can’t orphans play online games. Because they don’t have parents to sign them up -- A orphan’s first word would be orphan keeper -- I told kids to make a family tree. God, I love working at the orphanages. -- Girl: Come Over. Orphan: I can’t. Girl: My parents aren’t home ;) Orphan: Just two things I don’t have. -- Q:Why can orphans swim A: they have orfins -- What’s the difference between a orphan and an apple? The apple got picked. -- Why can’t orphans play baseball, cause they can’t find home -- What’s the difference between orphans and apples -- I wish I could kill my family but you realise your an orphan -- Q. what movie represents a orphans life? -- why did the orphan not have a girlfriend? -- I made a website that helps orphans sadly, it doesn’t have a homepage -- Q: why can’t orphans be on a football team? A: because they won’t know where to go on a home game. -- What is the difference between an orphan and a apple? Apples get picked -- i feel sad for orphans the cant watch star wars bc its parental guidance -- What’s the difference between a clock and an orphans dad? The clock comes back around. -- How do orphans have a family Reunion They use a Ouija board -- Me. i asked an orphan were his parents were i also said that i promised to take him to them Orphan. there dead Me. a promise made is a promise kept -- Orphan-why can’t I watch a pg movie -- Why do orphan eat cereal with water -- why do orphans eat cereal with water, because their dad never came home with the milk -- Why can’t orphans work at S.C Johnson? -- Did you know? The letter ‘f’ in orphan stands for family. -- If u want to pick on someone, pick on orphans. Let them tell their parents. Double! Where did Sally go during the bombing? Everywhere! Triple! Why did Bob cross the road? Because he wasnt wearing his seatbelt. -- an orphans favorite toy is a boomarang it comes back to them unlike their parents -- How to get quick cash: Step 1: Kill a child’s parents Step 2: Do foster care for them Step 3: Get paid for doing foster care -- One day a orphan bought a boomerang he threw it and it didn’t come back -- What story does an orphan always get kicked out of? -- you can beat up orphans what are they gonna do, tell there parents -- what is an orphans family reunion called -- Bored? Burn an orphan. What’re they gonna do? Tell their parents? -- Why do orphans love boomerangs?? -- Why do orphans become criminals? To know what it’s like to be Wanted. -- why do orphans play gta? cause they want to feel wanted -- What is the difference between a boomerang and a orphans dad ? -- Kid: Hey are you an orphan? Friend: Yea. But you are too. Kid: At least my parents wanted me. -- Why done orphans get offended by dark humor? -- What did the orphan get for Christmas? Lego figures from his friend but they ran way too. -- why do orphans eat cereal with water? because their dad never came home with the milk -- There is only 363 days in a year for orphans because mother and farthers day don’t count -- what did the orphan say to the crippled man. -- What can you never tell an orphan? Go home to your parents. -- How do you make a Orphan’s hands bleed? -- Why do orphans love drinking water? Because they have no milk to drink! -- A kid annoyed me the other day I told him to shut up and go back to his parents -- What is an orphan’s favorite show? Batman. -- What do you call a grown up orphan? Homeless -- What’s the difference between a nose and an orphan A nose gets picked more -- Q:Why do orphans eat cereal with water? A:Because their dad is shopping for the milk. -- if a orphan was spiderman which movie would he be in -- an orphan is like marriage. the kid is always the reason for divorce. the kid always the reason for his parents leaving him -- I made a website for orphans but sadly it didn’t have a home page. -- if a orphan tells you there’s 365 days in a year tell them for you only 363 days because you skip fathers day and mothers day. -- Hi hunter. Emilly wrote this -- Do you know how to make a Orphans hands bleed? -- My mom told me to get off the computer or she will slam my head into the keyboard. -- Why can’t orphans go on school trips? -- Kid: I fucked your mom -- What do orphans call there parents? -- I was at work yesterday and I saw this kid crying, I went up to him and asked him where his parents were, and he started to cry even more. Gosh, don’t you just love working at the orphanage. -- Why is it so easy bullying orphans They can’t tell their mom -- Orphans are really out here taking selfies. Nah bro that’s a family photo. -- Hi person reading this -- If you ever get Mad, just hit an orphan -- Why can’t orphans be gay -- Why can’t orphans play at a McDonald’s play place? They don’t have parent supervision. -- Joke: What do you call selfie that is taken by a orphan? -- Orphans are funny cuz all they do is sing “we are family” -- You know why orphans like boomerang? Because they come back unlike their parents -- What’s an orphans high school nickname -- I made a website for orphans, unfortunately it doesn’t have a homepage -- Kid: Dad where are you going -- Why can’t orphan be gay -- An orphan made an Instagram, he did not know what that symbol was on the bottom left hand corner -- Why can’t the orphan play baseball? Because it doesn’t know where home is… *sniff -- What is it called when an orphan takes a selfie? A family photo. -- Mom, can I please go out and play? -- Whats the different’s between apples and orphan’s? The apples get picked XD! -- So i had a friend that was an orphan and he said “hows ur gf” i said “i dont have one” he said “i know just reminding you” i then said “hey hows your parents” i never saw him after that -- if an orphan takes a selfie… isn’t it basically a family portrait? -- What is the most popular game at the orphanage? -- Why couldn’t the orphan buy chips -- why did the Orphan eat cereal with water? Thar dad did not come home with the milk -- What’s the difference between a apple and a orphan? -- I saw a kid crying and i asked him where his parents were… Man i love working at a Orphanige -- Why can’t Orphans be gay? -- What was the ONLY difference between an apple and an orphan? The apples got picked. -- Why was the orphan so successful? When they told him “go big or go home”, he only had one option. -- Why did a orphan go on google maps? To try and find there parents. -- Why can’t an orphan be gay? Because they don’t have anyone to call daddy -- what’s an orphans favorite movie? -- What is an orphan’s least favorite movie -- Why are orphans so bad at poker? they don’t know what a full house is! -- What’s an orphans favorite part of a website -- The f in orphan is for family -- Why do orphans only eat cereal with water -- what did one orphan say to the other. get in the batmobile robin -- why can’t an orphan sign up for adoption websites? -- What do you call an orphan who grows up and becomes a priest? Father Les. -- one day I was walking around, then saw this mom mad at her kid and screamed " YoUr AdOpTeD!" he said “yeah I know my REAL mommy is still at home with daddy.” -- What pictures do orphans take? Selfies -- How do you make a orphan’s hands bleed? -- Can’t wait for the orphans to have their family reunion! Wait… -- what do you call a family photo taken by and orphan -- Teacher I was a orphan once -- I made a website for orphans. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a home page. -- What is an orphan’s least favorite TV show -- teacher: if u keep talking over me i’ll call your parents! Orphan: YOU WILL? -- What’s the difference between a parentless child and someone who is fond of unprocessed metals? -- Why don’t orphans now how to use a phone -- why cant orphans be gay -they have no one to call daddy -- I pushed an orphan in a wheelchair into a fire and yelled hot wheels -- " Why is it that Orphans only play tennis" That’s the only love they can get"… -- Q: why can’t orphan be gay A: they have nobody to call daddy -- Is it bad to hit an orphan?it’s not like they’ll tell there parents. -- Why did the orphan rob the bank? -- when you go to a orphanage for a field trip :when the workers said i remember you as a kid -- What flour do you give a orphan -- How many orphans does it take to “test drive” a bus? It depends on how much space the orphanage has and how much space the cemmetary has. -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? -- What kind of family pictures do orphans take? -- Why can’t an orphan play baseball or softball -- What person cant work at a family business? An orphan -- if an orphan takes a photo… Well done! its a family photo! -- Why cant orphans never run all the bases in baseball? Because they can never make it home -- what’s the difference between apples and orphans? apples get picked -- Why did the orphan become a killer? Because he knew they would not look for him -- Why do orphans hate knock knock jokes? Because there is never anyone at the door. -- what do you call a virgin from alabama -- Why can’t orphans play poker because they don’t know what a full house is -- Why is the USA bad at chess? Because they lost two towers. -- why can´t a orphan have milk. his dad didn´t come back with the milk -- i tried to tell a orphan a knock knock joke but sadly there was no door to nock on -- What do you it when a orphan takes a family photo? a selfie -- Can Orphans go to a Family Restaurant? -- What do orphans have in common with mute children -- How are tinder and orphans alike? -- What’s the difference between Orphans and Apples? Apples get picked- -- What’s a orphans favorite part in the wizard of oz? -- do you know why pedos get away with molesting ophans who are they gonna tell not there parents -- Whats the difference between a apple and a orphan ? -- What do you call an orphan taking a selfie -- I made a website for orphans’ It has no home page’ -- Q.what season can an orphan see their family tree? A.fall -- What did the orphans friend give him for his birthday? -- Why do orphans go to church on family day? cuz they get to spend time with their father -- why are orphans bad at baseball cause they cant go home -- What did the orphan say to the parent, oh wait. -- What’s the difference between an escaped prisoner and an orphan? -- A fully grown bull Great White Shark is 15 feet long and can open its jaws open up to 1.2 meters long. It could eat a small child in seconds. Anyways, I lost my job at the aquarium… -- Why can’t an orphan watch the movie : -- Whats the difference between an orphan and an orange? One gets picked -- What’s an orphans favourite song? “Gimme Shelter” -- why did the orphan rob a bank. to be wanted -- Every one likes orphans but there parents -- What is the similarity between orphans and apples? They both get thrown out -- if a orphan wants food who does it? no one everybody just watches him starve because they couldent find his parent’s -- A teacher says “if you have one dollar and your parents give you 5 dollars how much do you have” Everyone raised their hands except for a little girl in the front but the teacher called on her anyway. The girl said. “ My parents left me so I would have one dollar.” -- did you know the f in orphan stands for family…oh wait HAHA -- why are orphans not boomerangs because they never comeback -- What is the one kind of work orphans don’t know, homework. -- Why do orphans like to go to church Because they actually have a father there -- Why do orphans love chips ,Because there all family sized -- Why do orphans eat cereal with water, because there dad never came back with the milk. -- why cant orphans sleep nobody can tuck them in -- What Kind of Hardware store can’t orphans go into -- What feature does an orphan’s phone not have? A home button. -- . why cant depressed kids high five a tree? It will leave them hanging… . why cant orphans play baseball, Because they cant find home! . a serial killer was at my house all killed all my family but me why, i was in the living room… . what do sloths and depressed have in common, they both hang off trees… . what is a group of depressed kids called, the suicide squad -- How do make an orphans hands bleed: tell them to clap til’ their parents get home -- Why Did The Orphans Like Church So Much? So They Had Someone To Call Father… -- Why did the Orphan become a prostitute, -- I identify as Michael Jackson and my pronouns are he he -- Why cant orphans play baseball -- orphan jokes are like families, not everyone gets em. ( also I banged ya mum ;) ) -- What’s the difference between a apple and a orphan? -- the F in orphan stands for family -- Why don’t orphans like to get lost?? -- Why can’t orphans be gay. They don’t know who to call daddy -- Wye did the orphan sleep outside… because he gets to wake up toe mother nature -- What do you call an orphan when there 18 -- why do orphans eat cereal with water? -- Why can’t Orphans play sports? Because they don’t have a home team -- what does an orphan and a bananna have in common? They both get split up. -- I did a nock nock jock to an orphan i said nock nock he said who is there and i said not tour parentes -- Techer: If you dont understand ask your parents at home. Orphan: I dont have neither of those :c -- What is the difference between a dead baby and an orphan? The dead baby happened on purpose while the orphan came out as an accident! -- I saw a kid crying today and asked them where are your parents… God I love working at a Orphanage -- Smack an orphan what’s he gonna do… tell his parents -- Why didnt the orphan cross the road? Where was he gonna go? -- Orphan’s only has 363 days because they dont have mother’s or father’s day -- DAD:I’m bringing your toys to the orphanage -- I went to an orphanage and had a yo mama smack down. That’s it. -- Why do orphans only have 363 days of the year? They Dont Have mothers or fathers day. -- I saw a kid crying i asked him whats wrong,where are your parents. They paused and looked at me funny… GOD I LOVE WORKING AT AN ORPHANAGE. -- Does an orphanage have daddy issues -- What do you call an orphan taking a selfie… -- What show does an orphan hate the most modern family -- Q: Can orphans hit a home-Run? A: No, they don’t know what its like to have a home to run too. -- Why can u slap a Orphan? are they going to tell mommy. -- Why can’t orphans play base ball? -- What type of cake cant orphans eat… Home made -- What is an orphans family tree -- Why do orphans always have water in their cereal because the dad never came back with the milk -- Guess why orphans can’t be gay?. Cause they have no one to call Daddy. -- New Teacher: I was an orphan as a kid. -- I gave an orphan an iPhone X for a reason -- I got my orphan kid a phone she was pressing the home button but it didn’t work -- Why ate orphans so Skinny? Thry never eat anything tjat is family size -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? -- Why can’t orphans be gay? Because they have no closet to come out of -- KNOCK KNOCK -- why is an iphone x perfect for an orphan? because it doesnt have a home button -- Why do orphans like to play gta? -- Why arent orphans good at monopoly? -- What do you call an orphan home alone -- Orphan: I want to be a super Hero Me: you should be batman. Also me: starts laughing because batman doesn’t have parents… -- Why do most orphans become prostitutes? -- Why are orphanages like dogs Because they get adopted -- why can u bully orphans? -- Orphans can be let away with anything really bad at school Cause they can’t be sent home for it -- Why did the orphan cry when the teacher yelled at him? -- why do orphan love table tennis, bc that is the only love their getting -- Why are orphans so famous for their jokes? -- Never say to a orphan “ bye buddy hope you find your dad” -- Why can’t s Orphan play baseball because it can’t find home -- What’s the difference between an orphan and an apple? An apple gets picked…. -- Why did the ophan rob the bank: Because he/she wanted to be wanted -- tell an orphan: if u got no parents clap your hands -- how do you make an orphan’s hands bleed? -- Why do orphans hate Cosco? Because they cant get in and try the free samples -- Whats the difference between a apple and a orphan? -- What is soccer like when you lose your soccer ball. Orphan: My Parents -- Why can orphans get away with robing the bank -- the f in orphan stands for family except there is no f -- What is an orphans favourite navel film -- Why did the orphan become a prostitute? They wanted somebody to call daddy -- For an Orphan, any bag of chips is family size. -- Why did the teacher get arrested. He gave the orphan homework! -- Why did the orphan cross the street because they thought that mommy and daddy was on the other side -- i made a website for orphans,it doesn’t have a homepage -- Why are orphans terrible at baseball they never get home runs -- What do you call an orphan taking a picture? -- How come an orphan cant work for SC Johnson? -- Why is orphans bad at hide and seek ? Because they can’t find there parents -- there’s an upside for being an orphan every snack they get is family size -- what show do orphans never wach? fuller house -- what is an orphans favorite movie? Daddy’s home -- why do orphans pray to God. -- Why do orphans hate Dom Toretto? -- Knock Knock Orphan: “Whos there” Not your parents -- what did one orphan say to the other? -- I think ppl should date orphans cuz their parents are never home. -- y cant orphans eat at a fam restrant -- What do u call a orphan that’s takes a photo… -- Why can’t orphans go to Home Depot? Because the do not have a home! -- Why couldn’t the Orphan play baseball … because he couldn’t find home !!! -- Why can’t orphans operate Apple devices? -- How do you make an orphans hands bleed? You tell them to clap until their parents come home -- Q. whats an orphans fav south park ep A. the anti family guy episode -- there are 2 types of people in Alabama the orphans and the incest’s -- we should bully foster parents more for raising parent less nobody’s -- Q. why the orphan was unable to use the phone A. he was trying to phone home -- Guys, we should stop making jokes about orphans, their parents will get mad. Oh…Wait…Continue. -- So there is this button there’s a 50% chance you get a million dollars there’s a 50% chance that you turn into a turtle make them press the button and if they give the money you just push the orphan over take their money and run away because who they going to tell their parents. -- why do Orphans love chips -- As siblings we always joke about being adopted it stops being funny when your playing in your parents room and find both of your adoption papers : ) -- How do adults like their cookies like their orphans? Homemade. -- How to make a orphans hands hurt:make them clap their hands till their parent comes back -- I told an orphan two never stop talking until their parents come home -- Why do orphans not care about sleep, because they have no one to wake up to -- I made a house for orphans and… -- I asked my orphan friend to come to my house, he said he was confused because he didnt know what that is -- Q: what is the difference between a baseball player and an orphan A: one knows we’re home is -- what is the diffrence of a apple and orphan at least one of them gets picked -- What’s the difference between an apple and an orphan?
An apple actually gets picked. -- why did the orphan have to eat his cereal with water? -- Why does orphans only have Samsung’s . Becausethe6 don’t have a home button -- What’s the difference between an apple and a orphan? The apple gets picked -- Why can’t orphans give on a field trip -- What are an orphan’s least favorite shows? -- Why can’t an orphan be gay because they have no one to call daddy -- What type of cookie has an orphan never had? Home made cookies ;) -- what did the orphans parent say when he got bad grades nothing he doen’t have any -- Merry christmas my fellow hoes -- Why can’t orphans be gay, they have no one to call daddy -- why cant Orphans have relationships? because they have no one to call daddy -- Why do orphans live in a orphanage -- Poo -- Teachers: Do you give your mother that attitude? Orphan: … -- 👋 hey -- What’s a orphan favourite game? -- Dad and Mom: -takes one look at Child- -- Punch an orphan in the face what they gonna do? Tell there parents -- why did the ophan commit suicide so he could find home -- Why can’t a orphan play basketball -- What do you call a orphan taking a picture -- why cant an orphan be gay cause they have no one to call daddy -- what is the difference about a apple and a orphan -- I saw a kid crying yesterday and i asked him, “where are your parents”? Than he started crying harder. -- why do orphans play GTA5 so much -- Orphan: crying You: do you know where your parents are Orphan:no Your Friend: they don’t have parents !!! You:😂 I know -- god, I love telling children there parents love them but only on April fools, their orphans after all -- why are orphans bad at baseball they dont have a homeplate -- Why do orphans go to church : to call some one dad -- Why can’t orphans be gay? -- why do orphans play GTA. Cause they wanna feel wanted -- you -- Why can’t orphans have a five-star GTA because they’re not wanted -- Kid: why do orphans like tennis -- I just killed a family of five. -- How many orphans does it take to screw a light bulb in there house -- Why are Egyptian gods orphans Because Egypt needs to sell Anubis (a-new-bus) every year to make a prophet -- what is an orphans favorite quote in star wars? “I am your father” -- I told my orphan girlfriend that I had to grab milk (goes to the store grabs milk) as I grab the milk I thought hey I bet I can repeat her life twice -- How many orphans can you fit in a bag of chips? 1, if the bag is family size -- A boy went to a doctor, and the doctor said i cant treat you, the boy asked why, and the doctor said because im a family doctor. -- what’s an orphans least favorite game. -- Why can’t orphans have babies -- Heard the phrase ‘one man’s trash is another man’s treasure’? Wonderful saying, horrible way to find out you’re adopted. -- Old soviet joke. Who is your mother? Our great Soviet country. Who is your father? Our dear comrade Stalin. What’s your greatest desire? Becoming an orphan. -- if trump was a orphan I know he would know not to build a wall because he was in one most of his life -- What did the orphan say to his father? Nothing he doesn’t have one. -- Imagine not having parents. lol -- what is an orphan fav store -- Why do orphan girls become prastatutes? -- What is an orphan’s excuse to leave a party? -- What’s an orphans favourite movie Home alone -- knock knock: whos there: not your parents -- I kept asking these kids where there parents are and they started crying, I walked away laughing thinking i love my job at an orphanage -- I love orphans so atleast they know someone loves them -- What is it called when an orphan takes a selfie? -- Why are so many people mean to orphans??? -- What did the orphan say to his parents, nothing cause they left him. -- :What’s an orphans favorite Netflix show Fuller house -- Why do orphans play tennis because that’s the only thing they loved -- What is an orphans favourite flower? Self raising 😂 -- Why do Orphans like to go to church ? -- Why can’t an orphan make a YouTube channel? -- Why do I go around making Orphan jokes ? Because they can’t go crying to there parent 😅 -- Why do orphans go to church so much? -- Why can’t orphans have sex? Cause they have no one to call daddy! -- It’s like going to the orphan and telling your mama jokes. -- Whats the difference between orphans and dogs? -- What do you call a boomerang that does not come back -- I saw a kid crying and I told him where are his parents? -- What do you no when your sad? Kick and orphan! What are they gonna so? Tell their parents? -- I went to the orphanage and yelled your mama jokes -- I saw an orphan and i said, yo. -- Why did an orphan have S** To have someone to call daddy. -- Q. why did the orphan rob a bank -- Why can’t an orphan play baseball? -- I only kidnapped orphans because they have no parents to report them missing. -- The F in orphan stands for Family… -- why did the orphan play gta because he wanted to feel the wanted level -- Q. What type of flour do orphans get? A. Self-raising flour -- Who is not allowed to watch pg movies? -- My mom is a chemistry teacher. Mom: you can’t be attracted to something without it being attracted to you back Me: tell that to my FUKING CRUSH BTCH -- Why do orphans eat cereal with water? cuz there dad never came back with the milk -- You heard of spider man no way home. Now get ready for. Orphan: no way home. -- Why do most orphans become prostitutes?.. Cause they need to find someone to call DADDY. -- What is the difrens between an apple and an orphan apple actually get picked -- There’s going to be a wild party at the orphanage tonight. … The parents aren’t home. -- what do you call an orphan if every other orphan gets picked? someone: ugly? me: no, trick question, they are still and orphan. -- When every you wanna roast a orphan say -yo mamma- -- why do orphans go to church -- when its April fools day go to a orphan and say there parents should come back -- whats your favorite place that orphans cant go to? Home -- Why couldn’t the orphan play Xbox because there was no home button -- q: Why is China so bad at baseball? -- Why cant orphans Be gay -- I would tell jokes about Kobe but they would just crash and burn -- Are all orphans homeaphobic? -- Why can’t you kidnap an orphan -- cemeteries should be built next to orphanages, so the orphans can see their parents -- Why can’t orphans get in trouble? -- What type of cake can orphans not have -- Roses are red Your blood is tooyou look like a monkey and belong in a zoo Do not worry i will be there too not in a cage but laghing at you -- Why can’t orphans selebrate Christmas :because they have no family -- Why can’t orphans work at SC Johnson’s?
Because it’s a family company -- y can’t orphans go on field trips??? bc they need a parent signature. -- y do orphans have 363 days in a year? cuz they have no Father’s or Mother’s Day. -- What is the difference between a flower and a orphan -- Why can’t an orphan be gay? Because they have no one to call daddy -- i was exited to watch fast and furious because of Dom Toretto then i realised family is nothing to me cause im an orphan -- why can’t the orphans play baseball -- Why cant orphans be criminals ? -- why couldn’t the orphan play baseball he couldn’t find home -- what did the orphan say to his dad last plz get non fat milk -- What’s an orphans least favourite beverage? Milk. -- What did the Teacher say the the orphan -- Why is it ok to hit an orphan? It’s not like they can tell their parents. -- what is the difference between an apple and an orphan? the apple gets pick -- Why can’t orphans be gay? -- Tell world best yo mama joke to an orphan, then watch them cry😈 -- why cant orphans play baseball they dont know where home is -- this isnt an orphan joke but. I got a job at a library, but it only lasted 15 minutes. Turns out, books about women’s rights shouldn’t go in the Sci-Fi / Fantasy section. -- Why is Harry Potter a orphan fav character -- want to know what i do in my freetime -- They found water on Mars. Mars:1 Africa:0 -- Why do orphans never play baseball? Cause they can never get a home run. -- Why cant orphans play baseball -- I started crying when my dad was chopping onions -- An Orphan walks into a bar and The bartender says “buddy you have to go home” the orphan replies " where is home" -- Teacher: where is your slip so I can see you can come on this trip -- what’s an orphan’s family photo? -- why couldnt the orphan play baseball -- Remember kids if ur ever mad beat up an orphan what are they gonna do call their mom?? -- why are orphans prostitutes -- What is the difference about a kids dad and his cancer -- if you ever get bored tell an orphan to take two days off their calendar if they ask why say because your missing fathers day and mother’s day -- Why did the orphan cross the road? To find his family Sorry -- why can’t Orphan play baseball they don’t know where home is -- What’s the differnce between Batman and a gay person What batman has no one to call daddy -- what cant play home in baseball they dont have one -- Q:what can’t teachers say to orphans -- Why do Orphans become Hookers? They can call someone daddy. -- What flour do orphans use when baking? Self-Raising (Rising) -- Why are orphans only able to have iphone X’s? because it doesnt have a home button -- Well im off to the orphanage to tell yo mama jokes -- What’s the difference between Pikachu and an orphan? -- What the difrents between you and an orphan -- I went up to a kid and asked are you an orphan? They said yes what gave me away? I said your parents -- The f in orphan stands for family -- ORPHAN JOKE CLUB DISCORD COMING SOON -- What’s the difference between a apple and a orphan -- How do you make an orphans hands bleed? Tell them to clap until they see there parents. -- What’s the difference between an apple and an orthan -- Why can’t a orphan have sex? -- Principal: You’re being bad im gonna need to call your parents! Orphan: sits there sadly -- Why do orphans like apples because they get picked -- I saw a kid crying so I asked them where their parents were. -- What do you call an orphans family photo? -- What do u call a group of depressed kids -- can a orphan go to a family Resturant? -- what TV shows orphans dont like? family guy -- What’s the difference between an iPhone and and orphan. -- What is an orphans favourite time with his family -- why cant orphans have iphones cuz they cant fine the home button -- Whats the best thing about a orphan GF -- LITTLE BOY: are you an orphan? ORPHAN: yes, what gave me away? LITTLE BOY: your parents -- The M and D in orphan stands for Mom and Dad. -- Why did the orphan commit a bank robbery? -- go drop kick a orphan. No one will know not like his parents would know -- Why can’t Orphans pick up their phone after school…? Because they need their parents to go pick it up -- y do orphans use iphone x’s bc they cant find home -- What does an orphan call a family picture Answer: a selfie -- Why cant orphans play baseball? -- I saw a little boy begging for money i said"are you an orphan" he said “yes what gave me away" i said” Your Parents" -- why do all orphans have iPhone 10-12? they don’t have a home button -- why does an orphan cry on thanksgiving -- what did the orphan say to step mom i need help -- Why can’t an orphan play baseball?? -- Why did the orphan join the baseball team? Because he knew when he got to third base he could head home -- NINA YOU BETTER RUN TO HELL YOUR GOING THERE ANYWAY!!! YOU DONT BE MEAN TO ALEX!!! HE IS SWEET KIND LOVING AND PROTECTIVE!!! -- Why can orphans never be kidnapped? No-one can tell them that “your parents said that they would be delayed and I was told to pick you up” -- why does an orphan like home base because he doesnt have one -- What type of phones do orphans have… -- Why can’t orphans play baseball -- what did the adopted poker player say ? will you raise me -- why does this website have a home page? its an orphan joke waiting to happen -- Dads are boomerangs, I hope. 🍆😆😌😬😮‍💨😬 -- Why can’t orphans play poker? -- Me: Joe left today Orphan: who Joe Me: Joe mama -- I made a website for orphans. -- Hippity Hoppity you are no ones property -- Why don’t orpans go to family dollar they don’t have a family to go withim -- The F I’m orphan stands for family But there is no f -- What’s the difference between a fruit and an orphan…? One gets chosen :) -- China shouldn’t play baseball Because that would take out the whole world with one bat -- Why can’t orphans have google homes Because they don’t have a home -- Why do orphans have to get an iPhone 12 Because it doesn’t have a home button -- I don’t understand those couples that fight and a minute later change their Facebook status to single I fight with my parents but you don’t see me change my status to Orphan -- What can’t orphans do in baseball: go to home -- Why can orphans get away from the fbi? Because they dont have a house -- Why did the orphan become a criminal? Because he wanted to actually be wanted. -- Why do orphans love home alone they like to see a familiar picture. -- Why can’t an orphan play online games -- why cant orphans play video games because they don’t have their parents email -- Why did the orphan fail all his classes? He couldn’t do his homework -- Why do orphans love boomerangs? They always come back. -- Why couldn’t the principal call the orphan parents Because he don’t have any. -- Why do orphans play baseball? That’s the only way they can run to home… -- Why do orphans hate the letter FMD because F stands for family and stands for mom and D stands for dad -- Why are orphans lucky? Because they can get in trouble and nobody can tell there parents. -- why cant orphans go to sleepovers? -- Orphans are the best targets for bullying, since who they gonna cry too? their parents? -- Why do orphans eat cereal with water? -- Why can’t orphans play gta and get five stars because they’re not wanted -- P.O.V orphan wanting to go on school trip/camp Teacher: “can I have ur parents signature? It isn’t filled out.” Orphan: “um yeah…. That’s gonna be hard….” Teacher: “why?” Orphan: “I just have to find them first….” -- One day every kid at the orphanage got coal for Christmas. It was the second worst day of there lives. -- why can’t orphans play baseball? -- Want to know difference between an orphan and a flower?? -- why did the orphan fall of the mountain? because his parents let go. -- What’s the difference between a orphanage and a supermarket -- I made a website for orphans it doesn’t have a home page -- What do you call an orphans family picture. A self portrait. -- why is the orphans keep going back to the orphan home, because they got no home to go to yeah pls like this and laugh because i got no one to read this -- Why can’t orphanage kids play baseball?? -- I once told a blind orphan hey look at the bright side -- The W in Africa stands for water. -- Orphan:I wish to be like batman -- Q. why can’t the orphan buy robucks A. he could not use his mothers credit card -- Why cant Orphans play baseball? They cant find home. -- The Orphan started crying at school when he got suspended and had to go home -- Why does that kid have to stay in that orphanage He should just go to his mom and dad -- Why do orphans play a lot of tennis? Cause that’s the only way they get love. -- What is a orphans favorite 🎥🍿 Home alone -- Why don’t orphans get offended by dark humour jokes? It can’t hit home. -- Orphan jokes protest Anonymous Orphan jokes are just funny so stop trying to ruin our fun! -- What’s an orphan’s least favorite joke? -- Why can’t orphans ride bikes -- I tried making an orphan baseball team. It sucked because they couldn’t find home plate -- Why don’t orphans play baseball? Because they don’t know where home is. -- my name is what orphans can never have -- Dark humor is like a kid with cancer. -- i saw a website for orphans, it was a bit confusing because i could not find the home page. -- I created a website for Orphans but there was no homepage -- Why is frozen a good movie for orphans? Because they know how to ‘let it go’ when their parents went -- What is the best thing about being an orphan all bag of chips are family sized -- Why do orphans eat cerial with water? Because their daddy still hasn’t come home with the milk -- What’s a orphans favourite food -- What does a orphan have that a homeless doesn’t? -- what do you call a selfie of a orphan? A family photo -- Why do orphans love boomerangs? Because they actually come back -- Why can’t orphans play catch? They never had a dad to teach them -- Why can’t an orphan have a dog it always runs away -- Kid: my parents want to meet you, you wanna come over. Orphan: Na I’m good, I’m going to watch home alone, it’s the only movie that I can think of that’s related to me. -- why don’t orphans go to the park? Because their parents can’t push them on the swing! -- I made a website about orphans -- I asked an orphan where his mom was he started crying so I said it again And well that was my last day at the orphanage -- Y cant a orphan play baseball? They dont know were home is!🤣 -- :popular girl. Sorry iM lAtE. :teacher. Why are u late! :girl. I NeEd My BueAty SleEp :Nerd. Well u might need to hibernate because u ain’t pretty -- What did the deaf, dumb, and blind orphan get for Christmas? -- evan yo mum rod on my big pp love, dad -- why did the orphan call Mr smith daddy, because he put her in the vices and tort her a lesson about virginity -- Why did Orphans have to drink there own piss? Because last time they went to the bar they went with there dad and drank some corona then got drunk and started eating someones toenails so his dad went to go get the milk and everybody has to evacuate the bar then the Orphan started walking on his teeth and got listed for the top ten wanted animals in the world so then he felt wanted and went to go home and had nobody to go to so he found the beer bottle he drunk out of and started pissing in it so he wouldnt die and loved it so then someone saw him in the bushes pissing in a beer bottle then drinking so the person who saw him started recording and posted it on youtube and the boy became famous so now he can feel like he was wanted in life after daddy went to go get the milk then the little boy became really rich -- what do orphans do after they win a game? Nothing they have no one to play games with. -- Why dose a orphan play gta to be wanted😂😭 -- I love bullying orphans. Who are they gonna tell? Their parents? -- Joke -- Orphan- I want to be like batman Orphan worker- You are already like him hunny -- Why did the orphan get an iphonX cause theirs no home button -- why did the orphan call her boyfriend daddy? because she wanted that D -- So an orphan walked into a store he gets lost and the store clerk asked do you need help finding your parent and the orphan ran out crying -- Ready when you are KK. -- A: Why did the orphan not come to school today? B: Because today we had a parent meetup -- Why can’t orphans go to movies There Pg 13 movies -- Why is an iPhone X perfect for an orphan? -- Why does the orphan not buy milk -- why can’t orphans go to school? they need their parents to sing them up. -- Do you ever wonder why Orphans buy small cereal box’s. Its because they can’t get family size -- whats another place orphans cant work at besides SC Johnson -- Me: i am the second worst thing that happened to these orphans -- Never going to give you up. that’s not what the orphan’s parents said -- Why can’t orphans eat Doritos because it’s family side -- knock knock orphan: whos there? -- Why can’t orphans work at scjonson………bc it’s a family company -- Why can’t orphans play baseball Cause they can’t find home -- Why do orphan hate school because of home work -- What show does an orphan hate? -- why dont orphans care if they get in trouble, cant call their parents -- Why do orphans only have 363 days in a year -- i walk up to a kid i ask where his parents are and he started crying then i walked out of the orphanage -- What is the difference between a orphan and a apple??? -- bullying orphans is like bullying the homeless kid both cry when you make fun of there parents -- You can hit an orphan, because who are they gonna tell, their parents? -- what do you and orphans have in common? -- How do you make an orphans hands bleed -- like my daddy to bad you don´t have one -- What is the difference between an orphan and an apple? Apples get picked -- bob: can I come to your house to meet your family orphan: I don’t have a family -- why can orphans travel so much? -- the orphan asked a genie to become batman then he went home and saw his parents dead -- the difference between an apple and an orphan is that the apple gets picked -- Why can’t orphans be gay? -- What’s an orphan’s favorite movie? -- Judge: We shall now sentence you for the murder of your parents. Accused: Please consider a lenient sentence, your honour. Judge: But why? Accused: Because I’m an orphan. 🥱🫤 -- what is the diffrence between an american and a orphan they dont have a home to get their guns -- What do u call a orphan a bootysnagger45 -- Why can’t orphans go on field trips? -- It is now legal to bully a orphan What are they going to do tell their parents -- why did most orphans become prostitutes? Because they wanted a daddy. -- why did the orphan didnt do the work because when the teacher says they would call your mum or dad there nobody to call -- What is an orphan’s favorite game? Adopt me. -- Q. why do orphans hate fast and furious movies A. cuz they say family to often -- Why does an orphan want to be a prostitute -- Ha orphans are soooooo funny I mean they have many family stories oh wait -- What’s the does a iphone have that orphans do not? Home Buttons -- Where does an orphan come from? -- Why are orphans always so successful because when their told go big or go home they only have one option. -- I once saw an orphan… Decided to ask them a simple question… “Hey! Where is your family?”… They didn’t reply… I kept asking them… They started crying… I started laughing… They ran away… -- Why did they make bus stops? So the bus driver would know where to pick the orphan up. -- What do you call an orphan fish? Self-ish -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? Because thy can’t find the first base they came from. -- Why Can’t Orphans Play Base Ball? They Can’t Find Home -- Why do orphans play GTA? -- Why does an orphan play GTA? -- What spider-man movie does a orphan like, homecoming. -- hi guys i feel forgoten lol i feel like a bannana peal…noone will talk to me oh i got an good idea we do a google meet! -- Why can orphans watch PG movies? -- What is the difference between a orphan and a apple -- When I’m bored I like to slap orphans I mean what are they gonna do tell their parents -- An old lady walks into an adoption centre and the lady that runs the business says “Oh, haven’t seen you in a long time!” -- What is yellow and can’t swim -- I will stop making fun of Orphans when their parents come back. -- Why Do orphans go to church?? -- Q Why do orphans like boomrangs A They come back unlike their parents -- why did they chicken cross the rode to get away from this conversation -- What is and orphans favorite move -- Why do mostly younger orphans get adopted? Because who wants a traffic an adult? -- What a plus side to being an orphan? -- Me, “Hey are your parents home?” Orphan; “Stop calling here.” -- Why was the emo kicked out of the Carnival, Because he was cutting in line. -- Why can’t u give a orphan homework? -- Orphan have no home -- Welcome to Dave’s orphanage, You Make em We Take em -- if your ever down one day just go to the orphanage and bully a orphan because what is he going to do about it he has no parents. -- Where do orphans have their family reunions? -- If your ever bord kick in orphan.What are they going to do,tell there parents. -- why did the orphan cummit crimse to know whats its like to be wanted -- Why do orphans work boomerangs. Because it’s the only thing that comes back -- how come orphans cant play baseball . they cant find home -- Why can’t play baseball. Because they can’t run home -- I gave a orphan a iPhone XR -- Why do orphans hate p0rn hub -- What flour do orphans use whilst making cakes- self-raising (rising) -- Why cant orphans work at SC Johnson? -- What vibrates and is 6 inches? -- knock knock whos there not your parents -- A phone is like parents. Not everyone has one -- If orphans made phones it wouldn’t have a home button -- What did one orphan say to another? Get in the Batmobile Robin. -- how did the ophan go to school not by his parents -- Why can orphans never go to the shops? -- my gf calling me: I’m home alone ;) me: I know, you always are… -- man:Stop with these orphan jokes me: why are they going to tell their parents on me -- What do you call it when takes a picture -- Why can’t orphanes play poker because they don’t know what a full house is -- What’s the difference between a apple and an orphan? -- why cant orphans be gay. because they have no one to call daddy -- Why can’t orphans watch Netflix? -- Why do orphans play GTA -- Why did an orphan kill ET To phone home -- Chuck Norris used to be an orphan -- why did the kid cry? his dad didn’t get the milk -- Why can’t a orphan make a joke Dad jokes -- Q.Why do orphans get on Facebook? A.Because they get liked -- When i was at work i say this kid crying i said where are your parents. God i love working in a orphanage -- I saw a kid wearing tatty rags on a curb so I asked “are you an orphan?” “Yes” he replied “what gave me away?” He asked “your parents” I said. -- What do you call a orphan with a boner? -- Why can’t a orphan get offended. -- Why can orphans not grow big and strong because they need a parent to buy them steroids -- Random kid: yo mama so stupid that she brought a spoon to the super bowl. orphan:what’s a mama? Random kid: *shook -- I tell orphan jokes like there ain’t no parents around -- Why do orphan’s like to go to church? It is the only place where thay can call a father. -- Hello I am Sflugo. I am opening the Pro Orphan Joke Club because a lot of people are sating to get rid of them but we say NO. If you want to join comment and say. #SaveOrphanJokes -- If aliens were real -- me: why am i an orphan friend: idk me: ask you mom -- Why can’t orphans go on school field trips -- Why can’t an orphan play baseball -- whats the difference between an orphan and a puppy parents enjoy the presents of a puppy -- Why are orphans rude at school? -- Why cant Orphans play baseball. because the cant find a way home -- Why can’t a orphan have a iphone? It has a home button -- We should not stop orphan jokes . They r funny a fuck. -- What’s the difference between an orphan and a flower? One of them gets picked. -- FUCK ME DADDY!!! -- What is an orphans favorite video game? Who’s your daddy -- Me at the Anti-Orphan Jokes convention 💣🗡🔪🧨🔫 -- Why can orphans give all you people posting all these stupid orphan jokes over and over again a good kick in the face? -- why lucas so weird? idk u tell me -- If you kill an orphan would that count as a squad wipe. -- y can orphans only hit a triple in baseball -- How did the orphan survive birth? -- Why do orphans always get picked on? -- what’s the difference between apples and orphans? -- I have so many orphan jokes im afraid most of them wont hit home. -- Why did the orphan wait in line? To see their parents next -- How is an orphan like a boomerang? They always come back! -- Are the three little pigs orphans because their mom kicked them out of the house -- If you ever get mad just punch an orphan what are they supposed to do tell there parents -- the parents who left their kids on the side of the road should of thought twice and got abortion -- why is daonlyjuanhere an orphan? because he is the only one -- Why do orphans love tennis,it’s the only love they get -- Why did the orphans go to the church? -- why can’t orphans eat a big bag of chips? They are family sized -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? THEY CANT GET THE HOME RUN! -- why can orphans go to thacker jewelry -- Why can’t Orphans win trophy’s because they can’t take them home -- what does an orphan do on school parents day :nothing -- hi blake -- Why do orphans want parents because they don’t want to be left out -- Why can’t orfans play base ball because they can’t find home. -- Why do orphans suck at baseball? -- What type of pictures do orphans take? -- what do orphan and apples dont have incommon apples get picked -- whoever said that about me better pray! -- freshfry we need to talk now… -- The F in orphan stands For Orphan stands for family -- why are orphans funerals so small? they have no loved ones -- Q:Why do orphans work at olive garden -- Why can’t an orphan use an iPhone Because the home button dose not work -- Why were the students jealous of the orphan? -- What is a orphans dream -- Why do orphans hate iphones because they have a home button -- Why cant orphans complete homwork?? Because they have no home! -- Why can orphans not get married? They are dad cant walk them down the Isle! -- Why dont orphans go to the park? -- Why was the orphan’s first phone an iPhone X? Because, it didn’t have a home button. -- Guess why orphans can’t play baseball because they don’t know what home is. -- A men and a boy went in a forest the boy said he was scared the men said how do you think i fill i have to walk back alone -- What is the difference between a orphan and a apple The apple actually gets picked -- Why are orphans bad at poker? They don’t now what a full house is. -- What do you call it when a orphan takes a picture -- Why can’t orphans cross the street? Because they cant go home -- How to Make an Orphan cry Step 1 Talk about Home Step 2 Ask them where there parents are Step 3 Say Bye Bye and push them in the batmobile -- Why can’t orphan go on the field trip. Answer they don’t have a parent signature -- What happens at the orphanage be like: The orphans:”HE IS THE MESSIAH!” -- April’s fool day:go tell an orphan their parents are back Ophan: Where… Oh -- I ask the orpahan why he was crying. He didn’t really say anything. The I asked where are your parents? He cried more. I love working at the orphanige. -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? -- Why do orphans hate mitosis cells? -- So sad that orphans can’t watch Family Feud. 😔 -- why can’t a orphan play baseball? -- Why cant orphans play baseball? -- At school in a classroom, the teacher asked the kid “If you have one dollar and your parents give you 5 dollar how much do you have?” Everyone one raised their hand except one little girl. -- Why can’t orphans go to the hospital because they don’t get homesick -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? Because they don’t know where home is. -- I made a website about orphans, but it doesn’t have a home page. -- why do people enjoy orphan jokes! lol… I LOVE IT >: ) -- Why was an orphan loving school? Because the people actually came back. -- When an orphan takes a family photo it’s called a selfie -- What does a pig call its dad…mom😂 -- Why is it ok to hit an orphan? It’s not like they can tell their parents. -- Why do orphans become criminals? To know what it’s like to be Wanted. -- what do orphans parents and nemo have in common? Neither can be found -- Ligma Ligam balls -- why dose orphans don’t like family guy because they have FAMILY -- why did the orphan have to go to public school, he could not be home schooled -- This kid was crying so I asked him where his parents where. He just cried harder. I still remember him every time I pass that orphanage. -- why do orphans play GTA so much? -- why cant orphans play baseball they cant find a home -- Why can’t orphans become a criminal? Because she isn’t wanted -- Why can the orphan only go to restaurants? -- Orphan finds genie -- Why do orphans play gta? To make them feel wanted -- What’s the difference between an Orphan and a sugar donut? People want donuts. -- why is the Iphone X the perfect phone for an orphan? -- Hello -- what does and orphans parents and the predator have in common -- Why do orphans eat cerial without milk? Because thier dad never came home from the store. -- Knock Knock Orphan:Who’s there? Not your parents -- Why did the orphan start crying -- POV Your an orphan Knock Knock Whos there Not yo mom -- Stranger: knock knock Orphan: who’s there Stranger: not ur parents -- Why do orphans play GTA. -- What is the difference between an apple and an orphan The apple gets picked -- What do Nemo and an orphan have in common can’t find their parents -- What instrument do orphans play? The sax-alone -- why can’t orphans be gay because they have nobody to called adey -- Why did the orphan cross the road -- What do you call an orphan that takes a selfish? -- Where did the orphans go when the orphanage blew up? Everywhere. -- joe: are your mom and dad nice? -- If your ever bored just slap an orphan… what are they going to do tell their parents? -- Why can’t orphans have friends -- why can’t orphans play baseball… cause they can’t hit home base -- Why can’t and orphan play baseball, Because he/she doesn’t know where to run home -- why cant a orphan go to college? He needs a -- What type of phone do orphans have -- Why do your orphans don’t drink beer. Because last time they did he went to suck some dudes toes then he try to take him to his parents but I guess that never happened -- When an orphan takes a family photo, it’s called a selfie. -- Why don’t orphan’s watch tv…? -- Why are orphans very abusive to their kids…? -- Why do orphans only drink water in cereal? Cause dad never brought home the milk… -- An handicap and an orphan get into a fight the orphan says at least I have two functional legs the handicap at least two functional parents -- Your Parents -- Why is a orphan gay? Because they can call somebody daddy. -- I was making fun of an orphan ,then i realized he tracked me down . I made a bad decision he was batman! -- my dad is john cena -- why cant orphans open a family business. because there is no family -- why cant orphans play base ball cuz the cant find home -- Whats the difference between an ophan and a baby -- What do you call an orphan taking a family photo -- Orphan kids only play GTA5 so they can be wanted -- Why do orphanes go to church… it’s the only place they can call someone father -- Alven and the chimpmunks commit war crimes -- Why couldn’t the orphan go into the restaurant? It was family friendly -- A young orphan boy goes to school for the first time. A bigger boy comes and punches him. He says,”What are you gonna do, cry to your mommy?” The boy cries. Next morning, he wakes up and comes to school. The same thing happens, but the older boy brings his friends. This time, after he says,”You gonna tell your mom?”, the little boy says, Yes, I will tell them that there is company coming over. -- “Uh daddy harder” the orphan said oh wait he doesn’t have a daddy -- Me:hey I’m your mom orphan:yay you came back me:sike -- What’s the difference between Santa and an orphan nothing they don’t have parents -- what do you get when you cross the terms homeless and abandoned? -- Why am I banned from my catholic orphanage? Because the children kept calling my daddy. -- Big penis -- Your gay If you read this -- Mom:i was an orphan once,The kid:oh ok idgaf,Mom:and ur gonna be too! :),The kid:ok idga-WAIT WHAT THE FU- -- Why Do Orphans Have An IPhone X? - Because There Is No Home Button. -- Why is a orphan favorite game monopoly? because it can actually buy a house -- Why cant Orphans steal bases? Because they cant find home. -- why did the orphan cross the road? -- why does an orphan always try to escape the orphanige? Because he want to get money to buy a familly since they wolnt buy him. -- I seen an orphan fall in the streets crying so i ran up to him and said “Are you okay where are your parent” -- Why is a orphan crying about its family? Because it cant “let it go” -- whats the diffrents between apples or orphans apples get picked -- i go to get my mail stranger: something fell out of your pokit" april fools" he said me: “your adopted,April fools” then i see a orphan be hind me and gets all exited -- Why don’t orphans have phones? Because they have home button’s. -- yesterday i was asked where my parents are i said getting milk -- Orphans: were are my parents, random person: in the bed -- why dont teachers give orphans homework? because they cant go home… -- What’s the one upside to being an orphan? You never have to worry about your jokes being family friendly. -- One time I tried running to home but I forgot I don’t have one so I stayed at third -- What do you call an orphan taking a selfie? A family photo -- Why does an orphan only have 363 days in a year? -- What’s the difference between a orphan and a apple -- I met an orphan with a dog yesterday, I chose the dog -- Whats a orphans favorite store? Home Depot -- man i had a joke but it left and lever came back -- dad: im giving all your toys to the orphan kid. kid:why Dad: so you dont get bored -- Why do orphans support slavery -- why does the orphan eat water with cereal? mom forgot to come back with the milk -- We should stop -- What is an orphans favorite toy -- Why do Orphans have gross cakes? Because their dad didn’t come home with the milk milk. -- why couldn’t an orphan have an iPhone 6? he couldn’t find the home, button. -- Do you know the phrase “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? Wonderful saying, horrible way to find out that you were adopted. -- From your Dad I won’t be back for a while, it’s a very long line -- Why cant an orphan play baseball? -- why cant orphans celebrate christmas -- i like turtles -- Why is the last part of orphanage age ? Because it doesn’t matter your age -- Why do orphans miss half their basketball season? Cause’ they don’t have home games. -- i saw some kid following me some i toled him to go back to his family orphan: what famliy -- Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road? because he had no balls to do it -- They say one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. That’s why orphanages exist! -- Where do orhpans shop? Home Depot -- Why does a orphan have to go to church, cuz thats the only way he can pray for a father. -- I take all my anger out on orphan why Because they have no parents to run to -- When the teacher dismissed the class to go home -- so an orphan goes to the store and gets a bunch of cartons of milk the cashier goes ‘‘woah why so much’’ the orphan goes ''my dad never came back with the milk so well here we are ‘’ -- Why can’t orphans play baseball -- Sonic Says"if your ever bored and have nothing to do then just punch an orphan in the face who are they gonna tell there parents? -- There’s 365 days in a year orfans have 363 because they don’t have a mother’s or Father’s Day -- why can you bully orphans? what are they gonna do tell there parents. oh wait they got no parents -- SAVE ORPHAN JOKES! SAVE THEM!!! -- What kind of cake can a orphan not have? Homade -- Why do orphans sleep in a double bed? -- Why can’t orphans have a large bag of crisps? Because it’s family size 😂 -- Why can’t orphans play baseball -- Why can’t orphans have milk. Because there dad never came back -- The F in Orphan stand for Famulu -- Friend: Your adopted. Orphan: At least I was chosen Friend: At least I was kept -- Y did the orphan try to fly? It was trying to find its parents -- Why do orphans like boomerangs.Because they come back unlike their dad. -- Why can’t an orphan eat a bag of chips? because it was family size -- Why can’t orphans play baseball -- Why do orphan got 1 mark out of 6 from a project yesterday? because it was family tree project -- When you ask your friend’Can I hear a joke.¨ ¨Sure¨ ¨What do orphans and orange peels have the same.¨ ¨What?¨ ¨They both get thrown out -- Why do orphans love foster homes Because they actually have a home -- Why is an boomerang a orphanes favourite toy because it actually comes back -- why cant orphans have chips : because it s family size -- Why can’t orphans play baseball: -- how do you make an orphans hands bleed make it clap until it’s parents come home -- If you have a bad day go tell an orphan to find his parents. he will be searching all day -- Why dont orphans play baseball they dont know where home is -- WHAT TYPE OF FLOUR DO YOU BUY A ORPHAN=SELF RAISING -- What’s the difference between apples and orphans? Apples get picked -- why can’t orphans play house flipper? cuz they don’t know what to do -- What does an orphan have in common with a 80 year old women “there parents will never come back -- Why can’t a orphan be in a relationship, -- What happens to an Orphan that gets on house arrest? -- Why can’t orthons eat at a family restaurant? Because then don’t have a mom or dad -- what is the difference betwen an apple and an orphin only the apple got picked up -- Why can’t an orphan go to s.c Johnson because it’s family owned -- Q)Why can’t orphans play baseball A)because they can’t find home -- why cant an orphan get caught o the hub they have no parents to catch them -- Being an orphan isn’t all bad. On the bright side, all your snacks are family sized. -- So a kid was crying…I asked him what was wrong -- Being an orphan isn’t all bad. On the bright side, all your snacks are family sized. -- If your ever bored just punch an orphan what are they going to do tell their parents -- What’s an orphans favourite snake self raising flower -- Y do orphans have 363 days in a year -- why can orphans only use samsung beacause they dont have a home button -- Why are orphans and banannas so much alike? Because they both get split. -- what the orphan say to the other orphan u have a dad say he can have i will u so he can adopted me -- Why does an orphan play mum and dad? Cuz they need self love -- No wonder some of the phones today have no home buttons. The makers were orphans. -- Why can’t orphans play baseball bc they don’t know where home is -- People tell me to be nice to orphans so I say what are they gonna do tell their parents -- Why can’t orphans be gay They have nobody to call daddy -- Why do orphans want to be criminals because they want to feel what it’s like to be wanted. -- Have you seen the movie constipated? -- Why do orphans play gta ? -- what is one word orphans cant spell? -- i saw a little kid crying yesterday, so i asked him where his parents were. God i love working at an orphanage -- Go punch an orphan what are they gonna do tell their parents. -- why cant an orphan have sex. Because they cant call them daddy -- Why don’t orphans have sex? Coz they have no one to call daddy -- What do orphans need in order to mail letters? Food stamps -- why does the orphan commit suicide to join the other suiSIDE to see their parents -- Whats the difference between an orphan and a dog? A dog gets adopted. -- I can’t help myself I put it down on paper All the different stages, memories of us That’s the only way I know that I can shake it Writing all our pages, every single thought I know you don’t like when I’m nostalgic No, you’ve never tried to understand Say you’re doing fine, don’t think about it Like I do Sorry for writing all the songs about you I know that you hate that I got more to say Sorry for writing all the songs about you But I had to, oh, I had to Swear no one will know that every moment was true All the mistakes and why I ran away Sorry for writing all the songs about you But I had to, oh, I had to I can’t wait for you to recognize the stories Like when you said i was beautiful Will you act as if you haven’t even heard it Nothing of it really matters ’Cause I know you don’t like when I’m nostalgic Go back to the start to get an end Say you’re doing fine, don’t think about it Like I do Sorry for writing all the songs about you I know that you hate that I got more to say Sorry for writing all the songs about you But I had to, oh, I had to Swear no one will know that every moment was true All the mistakes and why I ran away Sorry for writing all the songs about you But I had to, oh, I had to Just to get over what we lost, what we lost I put it in words to clear my thoughts And just to get over, over us I had to, I had to Sorry for writing all the songs about you I know that you hate that I got more to say Sorry for writing all the songs about you But I had to, oh, I had to Swear no one will know that every moment was true All the mistakes and why I ran away Sorry for writing all the songs about you But I had to, oh, I had to -- Why can’t orhapns play base ball? Because they can’t find home -- why are orphan so scared of the dark the dad cant check the closet for them. -- How are orphans like spider man -- Why cant orphans play monopoly -- Why cant orphans have sex -- Why did the depressed kid cross the road… To get hit by a car -- Roses are red… Orphanes are blue… I killed the preist so i could rape them to. -- What did one orphan say to the other. Get in the batmobile Robin -- What did the fish say when it ran into a wall? Dam. -- Why couldn’t the orphan find home ? -- fuck yall orphan lives matter -- how do you make a orphan’s hands bleed? make him clap until his parents come back -- Why do orphans have dry cereal Because they’re still waiting on the milk -- what do you call an orphan that sings a solo -- Like this joke. UR MOM -- What’s the difference between a orphan and a baseball field -- why do orphan love mcdonalds -- why is my dad gone -- New Teacher: I was an orphan as a kid. -- Why can’t orphans date -- why can’t male orphans be gay? Because they don’t have anyone to call daddy -- why do orphans get iphone 11’s because it has no home page -- why can’t in orphan play basebalI because he can’t find home -- What’s the difference between apples and orphans? -- Y can’t orphans have sex… They have no one to call daddy -- why do orphan not play baseball -- Welcome to Jimmy’s orphanage and pizza shop where today’s loss is a sauce how may I help you -- fun fact if your an orphan you probably dont know your parent -- Why can’t orphans go to a school fied trip? -- Orphan -- What’s something an orphan likes but doesn’t have it? -- What’s the difference between an orphan and baseball? -- Why cant orphan play soccer? bc thay cant pratis white there dad . -- Why do orphans suck at baseball? -- Killua is hot why? -- why cant a orphan play baseball they dont know were home is -- Why can’t Orphans work at s.c johnson because its a family company -- Did you here the story about the eel ? It was shocking 😂😂😂😂😂 -- What is the difference between orphans and apples? -- Why cant Orphans breath, they are drowning in their own tears. -- If your ever bored just beat up a orphan, what are they gonna do tell their parents -- I kidnapped an ophan what are they going to do cry for mom -- What is an orphan’s least favorite movie? Home. -- i gave an orphan 5 dollars and i said “spend it on a candy bar” i came back 5 minutes later and he didn’t have a candy bar. so i look over and i see that he has a piggy bank that has 40$ and i said where did you get that? he said for being homeless, and i said what are you going to spend it on he looked at me and said “i’m going to pay money for a mother.” -- What’s the difference between an apple and a orphan the apple gets picked.😃😄😁😆😅🤣😂 -- what is the one feature an orphan kid’s phone doesn’t have that mine does?A home button. -- Why can’t orphans have sex? Bc they have noone to call daddy -- knock knock! is that daddy No but im about to be so get on your knees -- Penis -- Why can’t orphans have sex -- Subscribe to Technoblade. -- Y can’t orphans play baseball because they can’t go home -- Why can’t a orphan play baseball -- Why couldn’t orphans play baseball? -- What did the baseball chief say to the Orphan? -- Do you know why you never mess with an orphan?? -- what the difference between an orphan and a slice of pizza nothing i eat both of them -- Why are orphans so bad at baseball? Most likely because they can’t find home. -- When a orphan takes a selfie it that thier family photo -- osmetimes when i think im ugly i just think of my sister and it makes me feel better -- Why can’t orphans go to daughter and dad dance night they don’t have a dad to go with. -- What’s the difference between an orphan and an apple? An apple gets picked -- Why can’t orphans work at SC Jonson…? Because its a FAMILY company -- What did one orphan say to the other? -- Why do orphans always get an iPhone X? -- Why do orphans only have 362 days of the year? … bc they don’t have Mother’s Day Father’s Day or thanksgiving -- What’s the difference between an orphans parents and a boomerang The boomerang comes back -- Why can’t orphans have sex they have no one to call daddy -- Why can orphans type… because they can’t find home row -- You can get into to a fight with a orphan what they are going to there parents -- so one day a boy was at his dads work when another little boy ran in crying then the dad said aw little boy are you lost wheres your parents and the little boy at his dads work said OMG! dad you cant say that! why cant he say that? -- If you punch and orphan they can’t do anything the can’t tell their parents -- to Mr. nice guy you are nice sweet and carring! i am so greatfull to be your friend! -- Why can’t orphans go to McDonald’s.it’s a family Company -- The parents use to hit him His parents got into a car crash and died He became an orphan in an orphanage, the people there hit him, he looked up and said “parents?” -- what’s a orphans favorite battle zone the home front -- Why did the orphan rob the bank Because he wanted to be wanted -- what egg do u buy a orphan? -- Why do orphans love to go to church Because they can finally call someone father -- why cant a orphan play baseball b/c they can’t find home -- teacher: students, tomorrow bring your parents to the open house. student one orphan: I don’t have any. student 2: what is the difference between you and an escaped prisoner. student one orphan: what! student 2: the prisoner gets picked. -- What do you call a orphan taking a family photo? A selfie -- What actor do orphans hate? Dom Terreto (family) -- what’s an orphans least favorite shoe ? -- why do orphans have water with there cerial? -- Why shouldn’t you say I hate you to your parents? -- What song can’t Orphans sing? “Sweet home Alabama” -- Whats the difference between a apple and a orphan: an apple gets picked -- Whats an orphans least favorite theme song the barney theme song. -- what is the differance from an orphan and a homeless nothing haha -- What do cannibals call an orphanage, all you can eat buffe. -- If someone is mean to an orphan just say I will call ur mum and make them cry even more -- The Orphanage said i coudnt go home. -- why can’t an orphan be gay they don’t have a closet to hide in -- gay orphans don’t exist cuz they have no one to call daddy. and lesbian orphans don’t exist cuz they have no one to call mommy -- Harry Potter has an invisibility cloak, I have family. -- what is it called when someone is in a wheel chair and in a fire? -- Why did teacher go on death penalty cause she gave a orphan homework. Thats on period #darkhumor -- Why do orphans not tell when they get hit? -- Mom:kid bring your toys and clothing to the car were going to Disney land -- What do you call an Orphan living with ghosts? -- What did the blind deaf orphan child get for Christmas? -- Why can’t orphans have sex? Because they have no won to call daddy😳 -- Why can you punch an orphan and get away with it? -- Curry hits 3s and Kobe hit 3 trees -- If your ever bored punch an orphan, what are they going to do, tell their parents? -- If you’re ever bored, just rape an orphan! What’re the gonna do, tell their parents? -- why can’t an orphan go on a field trip? Cuz they need parent registration 😩 -- Why can’t orphans have an iPhone? Because they can’t hit the home button -- Bad joke: Why is it easy to bully orphans, Because what are they going to do, tell there parents -- I have a fat ass -- :“Whats the diffrece of an Orphans life and a knife” -- Why do orphans go to church so thay can call someone farther -- Why cant the orphan go on a feild trip because he cant sign the parents signature -- y have kids just go get one now no 9 month delay -- Why can’t a orphan play games with a full house in them because they don’t know what a full house is -- Why can’t orphans eat cereal -- I made a website to support orphans… It just needs a home page… -- what did the orphan say when he first played sims dang u can have a family -- whats an orphans favorite football game?? the homecoming -- Why can’t the orphan get the big bag of chips? Cause it’s family-size -- why can’t orphans go to school? they need thier parents to sing them up. -- What is an orphan’s least favorite movie? -- Once i said to an Orphan…what the F mean in orphan…He reply there’s no F…Me: There’s no Family -- Why can’t orphans be gay The have no one to call daddy -- I AM SFLUGO FOUNDER OF THE PRO ORPHAN JOKE CLUB. Just want to say that people spamming does notjing and we will keep making our jokes!! #SaveOrphanJokes and please say in the comments if you want to join the club -- If your ever bored just bully an orphan, what are they gonna do? Cry to their mama and father? -- Whats the same about bins and orphans? They get dumped. -- Myla what did you do for fathers day Myla: i went to a restaurant Timmy what did you do for fathers day Timmy: i went to a concert Olivia what did you do for fathers day Olivia: talked to him through an ouija board -- why did the orphan play baseball? to find home base -- When a orphan takes a picture it’s a family portrait -- Why cant orphans play base ball? cuz they dont know where home is. -- what is the difference between apples and orphans apples get picked. -- Q: why did the orphan buy an iPhone X :A: because it has no home button -- I remember I meet a Orphan he ask can I suck your thumb I said why because that daddy pig -- orphan: im an orphan Technoblade: BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD -- What’s the difference between an orphan and an apple? The apple gets picked -- What is an orphan’s favorite quote in Star Wars? " I am your father " -- why cant orphans smoke -- Why can’t orphans be gay -- why does orphans eat cereal whitout milk? Their dad never came whit it. -- my mum said not to walk the streets cause i wont find home the next day i was an orphan -- What does sonic say when he bored -- What’s the difference between an orphan and a watermelon? one is fun to hit with a sledge hammer the other one is just an orphan -- What’s the difference in an apple and an orphan? -- whats the difference between apples and orphans aplles get picked -- Why can’t a orphan play baseball because they can’t go home -- why cant an orphan have a phone because they will see a home -- what do you call an orphans family pourturte a self pourtit -- Why cant orphans play baseball -- why cant orphans play baseball, they don’t know where home run is. -- Why cant orphans play baseball? Because they cant run home. -- If an orphan took a photo what would it be called? A self me -- what did the orphan say to the bowling ball? i am orphan😂😂 you are bwoling balll😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 -- Whats a Orphans Selfie Called? A Family Portrait. -- Why do orphans like monopoly: To cry about the money they can’t earn in real life -- Why can’t orphans be gay…They have no one to call daddy/mommy -- Why do orphans watch nightmare before Christmas -- never let an orphan watch fast and the furious -- whats the difference between an orphan and daniel larusso have in common -- why cant orphans have relationships because they have no one to call daddy -- How do you make an orphans Hands bleed. Tell him to clap until his parents come home -- Why cant orphans do it they have no one to call “daddy” -- orphan- I love abcdefu care taker- why, you dont have anyone to flip off -- what’s 1+1?? The number of parents orphans don’t have! -- Why can’t orphans have an iPhone because they can’t find the home button -- Bully: How’s ur gf? Kid: I don’t have one how’s your parents? Bully: crys Kid: *Walks out orphanage -- What’s the difference between an apple and an orphan? Apples get picked -- what type of flour do orphans use to bake with…? SELF RAISING FLOUR! -- If you want to punch someone just punch an orphan.What are they gonna do, tell their parents😀 -- they dont have parents because they left when u were 0 -- Why can’t orphan play baseball. -- Why can’t orphans go on field trips? Because they need parent permission -- Do not tell an orphan family meeting the wouldn’t get it -- Orphans would be upset if they went to FamilyMart -- When someone says you’re an orphan say…I least I was wanted unlike you -- Why do orphans play minecraft because they have a home -- one day i asked my mom where kids came from— she said the man who went to the milk store -- Eat frozen orphans it’s ğøöđ -- Why do orphan like going to church.
Bc that actually get to say father for once -- whats an orpans least favorite day: take your kid to work day -- What do you do when an orphan is taking a photo? yell ''FAMILY PICTURES!" -- Hey Kenya what is ur faviorte song “Lonly” -- Why did the orphan go to the woods. To take a. -- What show do orphans hate? American Dad -- imagine everyone being hoesssssss -- what is a orphans favorite movie, Spider man homecoming -- Why do orphans like to play gta -- Did you know the f in orphan stands for family -- me: watching tv mom: omg no way your dad is coming me: really mom: obviously not he never loved or wanted you. -- Hey this is to Orphans are ugly, We need to know each other :D We need to date, cause ur hot and so am i and orphans rly are ugly!!! -- Hi alex you will probibly not see this till the morning but I just wanted to say I have had fun sense you were here also thank you so much for protecting me and their for me and yah have a good day! -- Hello, this is our fun CULT haha or CLUB what ever you want! -- hiii everyone i heard from many people that they want to join the stop orphan jokes group who wants to? -- ALEX! WE NEED TO TALK! NOW! -- why did the orphan scream wolf cause people actually came back -- What are Teo things that an orphan can’t have… -- Orphan: my mommy and daddy love me. Guy: were are they then? Orphan: in the eternal depths of -- Why can’t orphans play baseball because the can’t run home -- what an orthsn favourite movie home alone -- where do you find a orphan just look for your mum. -- Why couldn’t the orphan play baseball? -- Why couldn’t the orphan play baseball He didn’t no where home was -- What is hard to find but easy to make? -- We have Build-A-Bear meanwhile Orphans have Build-A-Mom or if they’d rather Build-A-Dad -- What do phones and orphans have in common? They selfie. (Its because they don’t have parents) -- Why does an orphan eat cereal with water, because the dad didn’t come back with the milk -- Why Can’t Orphans have a big bag of chips. Because their Family Sized -- What do orphans not see on controller- home button -- An orphin usees a family bathroom and when he comes out he gets told this is a family bathroom -- Why can’t a orphans play baseball He can’t find home -- What is an orphans first phone? An iPhone12 wanna know why? It has no home button :D -- Do you know why orphans cant play baseball b/c they can’t find home -- me: hey are your parents here? orphan: (crying) STOP CALLING HERE! -- Why can’t orphans play rounders? -- Whatdya call it when orphans take a family photo, a selfie -- Why can’t orphan’s play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is -- Whats the food orpbans cant eat -family sized icecream -- Why do orphans make terrible baseball players? -- What Actor does an orphan hate ? -- Kid: Imagine being an orphan! -- alright so i have a few orphan jokes im gonna put them all in one message. -- Why did the Orphan cross the road? To find they way store to see they dad -- I’m bout a go to the orphanage to say yomama jokes -- How do you get a orphans hands bleed? -- A family put their kid and their dog in an Orphanage but came back for only the dog. -- Why dose an orphan only have 363 days in a year? Because they don’t have mothers and Father’s Day. -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? -- What’s the difference bitween orpans and apples? -- Why did the orphan go to church? So he had someone to call Father -- What does an orphan call a family photo? A selfie -- Why was the orphan so successful? When they told him go big or go home, he only had one option. -- Doctor: I’m going to have to turn you away. Orphan: But why? Doctor: Because I’m a family doctor. -- Why do orphans only have iPhone 10+ Because it doesn’t have a home button -- I’m making a website for orphans wont add the home page -- What film do orphans hate Instant family -- Why cant orphans use a phone? -- Q:What do you call a orphan taking a selfie -- Why don’t orphans like baseball??? -- Why do orphans have criminal records? So they can be wanted. -- dad: want to go to the park kid:sure dad:come on kid:why are we at the orphanige dad:go in -- Lone day an orphan threw a boomerang but it come back just like it’s parents -- orphans got me like : 😂 Face with Tears of Joy Emoji - Emojipediahttps://emojipedia.org › face-with-tears-of-joy A yellow face with a big grin, uplifted eyebrows, and smiling eyes, each shedding a tear from laughing so hard. Widely used to show something is funny or … -- What’s an orphans favourite marvel film? -- What’s an orphans lest favorite event : there BRITHDAY!!! -- Why can’t an orphan be in a Scream movie? It’s always someone you know. -- why do orphans pick apples because thats the only thing they can pick -- Why do orphans don’t buy a keyboard, because they can’t use the home button -- What an orphans favorite toy? A boomerang, because it always comes back -- i am a orphan… -- Sonic says if your ever born punch a orphan what are they going to do tell there parents -- why cant orphans play cricket? because they cant find home -- Why do orphans love going to church? So they can call someone father. -- the f in orphan stands for family -- Why can’t the orphan run past third base: Cause the orphan doesn’t have a home to run to. -- Why cant orphans play baseball because they cant find home -- why can’t ophan’s have sex? Because they have no one to call daddy -- I love telling jokes about orphans. What are they gonna do, tell their parents? -- Me: I’m gonna smite the life out of you!!! Orphan: What! No! Please no! Me: What you gonna do? Run home and tell your parents? Wait, I forgot, you don’t have a home or parents!!! -- What’s the best thing about beating up orphans -- Your gay Amon -- I’m Gay -- Penis -- Why can orphans have sex? They have no one to call daddy. -- why cant orphans go to a family restaurants. because they don’t have a family to go with -- You know ‘f’ in orphan stands for family -- why does an Orphan aways get the newest iphont -- What’s orphans favorite game house keeping -- What’s the difference between a orphans dad and a boomerang ? -- why don’t orphans rob the bank. because they’re not wanted -- Why can’t Orphans bake? The don’t have milk -- Why do orphans always have an iPhone X or above? -- To all of you making jokes about orphans, it’s all fun and games until both of your parents leave you. LMFAO (my parents left me and it’s not the funniest thing ever) -- Why can’t an orphan play base ball??? He doesn’t know where home is -- An orphan can’t never get a call home from school because they don’t have a home to call -- What dose the orphan have in common with Batman they both lost their parents. -- An orphan was in 1st grade and it’s teacher said to spell parrot. The boy spelled Parents. -- why are half of the orphans blind? cuz they cant find there parents -- What’s an orphan least favourite joke?.. -- i was noughty ar school and my teacher said shes going to tell my dad i was like whos tht -- What do you call a homeless orphan -- Why can’t orphans have sex, They have no one to call daddy -- If you punch an orphan what are they going to do tell their parents? -- What do u call a orphan taking a family photo? A Selfie -- Why did the Orphan punch the other orphan? -- U know what you could use a orphan as a punching bad … what are they gunna do tell their parents -- DEEZ NUTS -- Why don’t orphans play football? They have no home field -- What can’t Orphans do? -- me - i fucked your mom orphan - i dont have a mom so u fucked the air -- im alya im a dumb whore who ruins peoples fun on this sight made for jokes with categories for orphan jokes but i like ruining peoples fun -- That moment when you poop 😂 -- What do you call an orphanage, that’s not an orphanage? -- why did the kid go in the guys van -- What’s the difference between a kid with cancer and a dark humour joke ? -- Why can’t orphans get five starts in gta -- Whats the difference between an apple and an orphan? An apple can trace back it’s family tree’ -- Why Can’t Orphans play baseball - They can’t find home -- bread is like a orphan plane and stale and no fam -- A orphan went up to nicolas tesla and asked to travel in time he then saw his parents put him in a building saying you now live here!! -- Why was the orphan so bad at baseball-------he couldn’t find home -- There is a twist with being an orphan, every bag of chip is family sized. -- why cant orphans sign up for sports? they have to have a parent signature -- therebis an upside to being an orphan -- Why does an orphan only have a Samsung, cause it doesn’t have a home button! -- what is an orphans favorite website: zillow -- A kid goes in to a restaurant without parents and a waitress came up and said you have to leave this is a family restaurant -- Bill swift here you make them we take them -- What is the difference between an apple and a orphan ? -- You know orphans are kinda like a house with no people in it. Because it’s empty inside -- why would and orphan kill his family, because they weren’t there -- How do you make orphan’s hands bleed. Make them clap for their parents to come back. -- why can’t orphans play baseball? Because they don’t know where home is. -- How to commit arson -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is -- Why is a orphan rlly good at being naughty? Bc they have no one to tell them of -- What is a orphans favorite store, home depot -- i hate it when couples get into a little fight and the change their Facebook status to “single”. i have fights with my parents but I don’t change my Facebook status to “orphan”. -- ya nan -- IF YOU EVER GET MAD AT A ORPHAN PUCH THEM IN THE FACE… WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO DO TELL THERE PARENTS? -- What do orphans parents and a ball have in common.If u through them they both will never come back. -- An orphan died. No one cared why? Who is supposed spread the word his parents. -- kid just becomes an orphan, well i guess its better than being a hobo. -- Why did the orphan have a iPhone x because it didn’t have the home button -- kid: dad, whats an orphan? dad: -- Why did the orphan cross the road. Because they thought they saw there parents(plot twist the orphan got ran over) -- How do you call a Virgin girl in Alabama? An Orphan -- Whats a orphans favorite movie “Going home” -- Imagine not having a dad -- /This is out motto- "Never fear orphans! You are even more special than diamonds." Orphan club for ppl who stand up for orphans! -- What was the orphans first video game consol? PS5 because it has no home button -- why do orphans miss half the basketball season? they don’t have home games -- Why did the orphan go to jail because he could finally have a home -- I made a website for orphans’ It has no home page’ -- What do you call an orphan taking a selfie? -- what’s the difference between apples and orphans? -- What do orphans and people eating oranges have in com´n. They both are eating balls. -- if an orphan took a photo what would It be considered… not a family photo -- Whats an orphans dream job? A builder, to build themselves a home. -- Lol -- Whats the diffrence between apples and orphans? apples get picked -- Q: Why are orphans bad at baseball? A: they can’t find home -- in the new grinch the whos would say he stole christmest get him then the grinch said im a orphan that changes everything the whos said what would they do if max was a orphan -- bobs family restaurant: -- Why cant orphans play baseball? Because they cant find home -- When an orphan takes a selfie, it’s a family photo. -- why cant orphans see all these jokes on this website that were posting? cuz they dont know were the home page is. -- The teacher once said to some students ¨i was an orphan before your principle hired me.¨ the students said ¨oof that is sad¨ the teacher tried to ignore them and take attendance she said ¨is anyone missing¨ the students said ¨your parents.¨ the teacher got offended and later that day quit her job -- himy name is robert i have no life even my ps4 user name is gay lil_bama -- Ur mum gay… Sorry wrong person -- The other day I was in the park and got bored, so I found an orphan and punched him in the face, laughed at him and said, " Watcha gonna do, tell yout parents?" -- Don’t stop orphan jokes there funny and people are just mad that they don’t understand the jokes cause their too STUUUPID -- knock knock who’s there orphan orphan who are you my mommy -- Whats and orphans favorite movie? Spiderman: Homecoming -- why do orphans only buy iphone xs d because it has a home button -- why couldnt the orphan use his iphone 6 he could find the home button -- Why cant orphans play baseball They dont know how to get to home. -- What’s a benefit of being an orphan? The chips always come in a family size :) -- Jokes for the family to enjoy. -- me and freshfry talking -- What is the difference between an orange and an orphan?? -- What is the difference between a orphan and a apple -- some kid with parents “knock knock” "orphan’’ whose there? some kid with parents “not your parents” -- why r orphans gay? they call everyone daddy -- What do you call it when a orphan takes a photo? A family photo -- Why does a orphan hate apples because they get picked more -- What is a orphins faveriot movie. Home alone -- Girls are like roller coasters the faster you go the louder they scream. -- Why can’t an orphan be gay? Because they have no one to call daddy -- Why can’t an orphan take medicine They need parental supervision -- why do orphans love school cause people actually come back -- why do orphans like going to church? -- Where did the orphan go after the orphanage blew up everywhere -- i saw a kid crying in the corner of the room and i said " are you OK? where are you parents" and he started crying even more. I love working in an orphanage -- Person: Where’s your mom and dad? -- What’s the difference between a apple and a orphan? The apple always gets picked.😂😂😂😂😂😂 -- an orphan and a homless man get into a fight so he yells in a mirror -- name one person who would take a orphan micheal jackson so they can play all night -- Q: Why can’t orphans be gay? A: Because they don’t have anyone they can call Daddy. -- IM BATMAN -- Why is it ok to hit an orphan? It’s not like they can tell their parents. -- In America they was a boy named urhan and he had one hand and a stump and a girl named handa who was a orphan, they had a trial for Boston red socks and they failed because urhan couldn’t stump the ball and handa didn’t know where home was. -- So there was 3 baby chickens and 2 mothers the first baby said “why am I named calf?” and the mother said “I f###ed a cow” then the second baby came up to it’s mother and it said " why am I named b##ch? " and it’s mom said "I f###ed a wolf and the final baby came to its mother and said “why am I named orphan?” And because it’s mother wasn’t there to see it this is what I have to say “because you are one you ducking hitch!!” -- What’s the difference between Apple and orphans apples actually get picked -- How to get rich Step 1: tell an orphan he will get a family Step 2: knock out the orphan Step 3: cut open the open the orphan Step 4: well there organs Step 5: do it again And nobody will call the cops cus they got no family -- Did you hear about the Italian chef who died? He pasta-way -- Daddy -- Why do the orphan always go to church? Because that’s the only place he could call someone father. -- why can’t orphans play baseball? Answer- because they can’t run Home. -- why dot orphans play baseball because they can’t find home plate -- What is the difference between an Orphan and an apple. Apple’s get picked. -- deez nutz -- why cant orphans have sex BECAUSE they have no one to call daddy -- Why did the orphan run into the street, to get to the other side of life -- Why can’t orphans play poker? -- When does a kid become a Orphan? -- If you ever get bored, just punch an orphan. I mean, what are they gonna do? Tell their parents? -- whats a orphans fav food, nothing they cant afford it -- You cant put an orphan on house arrest if there isnt a house to arrest them to. -- Why can’t someone say ur mums gay to an orphan because he doesn’t have a mum -- What do people have that orphans don’t a family. -- I once went up to a orphan and they were crying and I asked where there parents are and they started crying more -- So I punched a orphan… What’s he/she going to do TELL HIS/HER PARENTS??? -- Kid at schools tells and orphan i fucked your mom orphan whats a mom? -- Why do orphans love blowjobs because they actually get kissed -- Why can’t orphans build computers? -- Why can’t organs have a family bag of chips -- what did the traffic light say to the other -- Fuck off -- Why are orphans bad at baseball? Because they don’t know what a home is. -- There was this intern that worked at an orphanage and she burnt it down luckily she don’t have to tell there parents -- Why was the orphan happy that he got in trouble at school? -- Y can’t a orphan play base ball -- Why don’t orphans play football? -- Why cant Orphans play Baseball? Because they can not find Home. -- Why are orphans bad at poker. -- in my locality there was an orphanage but everybody in the locality was really sexist too so they had to change the orphanage into a brothel cuz everybody took the boys away and nobody was taking the girls and the manager didnt want to waste any 14 year old pussy . did he? -- What’s a orfons favourite toy -- Why are orphas always sad because there parents are not there to chear them up -- dick -- Why cant orphans have a funeral? Because their parents wont be there -- I orphan walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand hey bum bum bum got a family -- Why can’t orphans have sex -- Your so fat that your gonna be my next hamburger for dinner and the next in in out just like you parents -- What is the orphans favorite toy from his parents -- What is the difference between an orphan and a snake a snake has a home to go to underground -- why is the iphon x is best for orphans?there is no home buttion -- Murueurx -- What do orphans do when the get a phone press the home button -- What’s an orphans favourite game Catch -- when ever you see an orphan taking a selfie photo bomb him and say “family photo” -- i ate all of your mommys orphans -- Who does an orphan play soccer with… -- sandwich’s are yummy 😋 -- Why do t orphans play baseball -- Why do orphans suck at baseball -- Coach: why can’t orphans play baseball Me: Because they can’t get a homerun. -- what a orphan and a homeless people got in comet? They got no one to call dad. -- Why are you making all these bad jokes about orphans what did they ever do to you -- why cant orphans play baseball? -- why does my mum eat carrots? -- Why do orphans go to church? -- Why do orphans get the small sized chip bags? -- Why did the orphan go to church? -- ur mum -- Why can’t orphans order from Costa? -- my teacher said say welcome to our new student he’s an orphan the teacher said is anyone missing I said that kids parents -- What do you call a can opener that doesn’t work? A can’t opener! -- What’s one store a orphan can’t shop at? Homegoods ;) -- Why are orphans lucky because when they drive they don’t need a license plate because they don’t have a home -- Why dont orphans go on trips at school -- Q:What movie do orphans hate -- Why do orphans play GTA because the want to feel wanted -- what is missing when a orphan buys a laptop? The home screen -- what kind of flower do orphans use? self raising -- What would an orphan call a family picture, a self ie -- Ur mom gay -- dick suging -- Poop -- Why cant orphans play baseball? because they don’t know where home is… -- What’s an Asian orphans surname? NoPham -- Why do orphans like milk so much? Because they got no milk as a baby. -- You wanna know what’s a concept, an orphan being homeschooled. -- why do orphan’s not like the movie Frozen. bc for them love isn’t an open door -- y Do orphans look at a house for so long Cuz they never had one -- What’s orphans favorite game to play -- Why can’t orphans eat cereal with milk? Cause mummy never gave them some -- degwqydgce -- Why do orphans play GTA? Because they want to be wanted. -- Gina: Ha! YOU HAVE NOTHING! -- What’s the difference between u and an orphan… -- Why do orphans get a iphone x -- Why do orphans only have 363 days in a year? -- Y do orphans like the iPhone 12 Pro. Because there is no home button -- What’s the one school event that orphans don’t go to. PARENTS EVENING -- Why do orphans love church -- whats the diffrents between a ofrfin anda dew 1 gose up and 1 gose down -- Why do orphans want to be criminals -- why do orphans like to be gay so they can call someone daddy -- Why cant Orphans play baseball. -- Why aren’t orphans gay. -- Why couldn’t the orphan play baseball? He couldn’t find home -- why cant orphans go to costco because its a family shop -- why can’t orphanes play paintball? because they don’t have parent supervision. -- Why cant orphans play baseball? -- I made a website for orphans the other day… it doesn’t have a home page… -- Q:Why is it fun to hit an orphan -- What did one orphan say to another- Robin get in the batmobile -- Is it a bad to hit an orphan? What are they gonna do tell their parents? Well… I mean they could go to church and try to gather that someone hit them. -- What did the Orphan say when he googled Orphan jokes? I would say these jokes hit home but there is no home to hit. -- I accidentally hit an orphan with my car but I was not worried because he couldn’t tell his parents -- There was once a boy who took a selfie and the next day became and orphan -- Its really great that you can make fun of orphans, 'cause what are they going to do? Tell their parents? -- If your kid beats up a orphan , what are they going to do? what tell their parents. -- Why can Lohan’s play baseball bc they can’t find home -- Why can’t orphans play baseball cause they can’t find home -- Orphan’s and homeless people people are the same thing. -- teacher we have new student hes an orphan student oof teacher is anyone missing student his parents -- Where did ur dad go??? cause i saw him at the milkshop oh wait there isnt one -- I love orphans. There precious. -- eshay -- Yeestt -- What’s a self of on orphan called Family picture -- Orphan jokes are funny to explore especially with the family -- What song does a Orphan hate… Im so lonely -- whats the dif between an orphan and an apple -- why can’t an orphan roleplay? because they don’t have parents -- What’s the difference between an orphan and s watermelon -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? Because they can’t reach home. -- Why can’t orphans say mommy:me because the fosters said no -- Mrs. Harolen: Students, tomorrow’s assignment is to bring your parents to school for a conference with the teacher informatio- -- Why can’t orphans have a computer -- Why did the fbi get a foster family for an orphan So he could be in a lovely family before death -- Why do orphans play gta they finally wanted -- Why do Orphans sleep in a double bed?? -- Why cant orphans play base ball Because they cant find home. -- Why cant a orphan go to a family reiuon : it has no family -- Why dont orphans play baseball…? Because they can never find home 🤣🤣🤣 -- Ask A Orphan This- “Whats the difference between cancer and ur dad, cancer comes back.” -- Say this when showing this website to someone: You know it’s to bad this website doesn’t have a home page -- An orphan saw A tornado and he thought he saw his mom but then he realized it was a corpse and said hi Dad -- why can’t orphans play baseball,because they can’t find home. -- Why can’t orphans eat a big bag of crisps -- How many foster parents does each Orphan have 1 half -- why cant the orphan play baseball because he does not know where home is -- you know why you never wana fly with a orphan. cause then they know they won’t die alone -- What is an orphans favourite day? Tomorrow: that is when the sun will come out -- What’s the difference between an orphan and an apple? The apple gets picked. -- What’s different between an apple and a orphan? Apples get picked. -- How are orphans and apples different. One gets picked -- What is the difference between an apple and am orphan. Apples get picked -- What kind of flour do orphans use to bake bread? Self-raising -- Q:What’s the difference between orphans and apples? A: apples get pcked -- I tried kidnapping a kid today and told him I was his dads friend and I would take him home, he just curled up into a ball and started crying, kidnapping must be easy. -- why do orphans suck at baseball because they never could play catch -- What’s the best part about beating up an orphan? They can’t tell their parents -- why is an orphan so bad at baseball. because they cant make it to home. -- What phone do orphans have? An I phone 10r -- why do orphans have phones? because they don’t know how to call home -- How can you make a orphans hand bleed -- There’s an orphan in my class… For some reason, he never leaves. -- Why orphans so good at tennis Answer : because they never knew wat love was -- When your mad you might as well just punch an orphan. Cause what can they do, tell there parents? -- Why did the orphan cross the road? He thought he saw his mother. -- why can’t orphans go to homecoming, because they don’t have a home to go to. -- Do you wanna know why orphans don’t play baseball -- Why does an orphan play soccer because it’s the only love they get -- Q: Why don’t Orphans turn up to parents evening? -- why are orphans not allowed in stores?because else they would actually feel at home -- What’s an orphans favourite sport? Tennis because it’s the only love they’ll get -- Why cant orphans cross roads? -- Why can’t orphan go on field trips. -- Why can’t orphans go to school because they don’t have a parent to sign them up -- Why did the orphan have to stay at school? Because they need to leave with a parent -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? Because they can never find home. -- Why cant orphans go to a amusement park because they dont parents -- Why don’t ophans go skydiving -- What is an orphans favorite toy. A mom a dad action figure -- Why did the orphan kid was bad a school cause he wanted a phone call home -- Why do orphans have no home? Because they didn’t have a family to give them one. -- Why orphans prefer the monarchy? -- Why can’t orphans go to school they can’t attend parent teacher conferences -- Why do orphans play baseball becuase they try to find 🏡 -- kid* i want to be like batman genie i can make arangments the kid comes homeboth of his parents are dead genie i told you kid … -- why cant a orphan play baseball -- i went up to a orphan and asked where there parents were- they stared -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? They never can make it home. -- Why do orphans come to me Cuz they have someone to call father -- I made a website for orphans -- Orphan: I finally have a father! God: And who is that? Orphan: You! God: Who the hell is you? Well, it’s not me. Orphan: :l -- Why did the orphan want to go to jail: So he could have a home and be cared for with food. -- Why do orphans like the game adopt me because they’ve never been adopted in their life -- Teacher:I was an orphan when i was younger -- when someone calls you say welcome to joes pizza abortion clinic your lose is our sauce. -- I saw a little kid cry, I wemt up to him and asked where his parents were. Jeez I love working at orphans -- Why did the orphan cross the road? To try to find his parents but it was FREAKING USELESS -- I held on to my money stronger than a orphan holds on to a teddy bear on father’s day -- why do orphans play with barbies so they can have a home :) -- tine hello -- TINA WE NEEEEEEED TO TALK PLEASE-ALYA -- FRESHFRY MY FRIEND PLEASE TALK TO ME!!! -- HI alex its 2;00 eastertime freshfry is a scaredycat he left when you left lol -- why can you not let a orphan touch a iPhone 7 because it would break if they touched the home button -- hi freshfry hii alex i did not see your messages yesterday because I was at my brothers soccer game and then people came to are house till 11:00 lol srry :) -- Whats the diffrence betwwen an apple and a orphan? Apes get picked -- Alex you will never belive this!!! please responded as quick as possible! to my love alex! -- ALEX RESPOND TO ME PLEASE LOL -- IVE HEARD STORIES OF MY MOTHER SHE WAS A TEENAGER AND LEFT ME IN THE BLENDER BUT LUCKILY THE POWER CUT OUT LIKE AT THE ORPAHNAGE -- WHAT IS A UNBORN BABIES OLIMPIC SPORT… DODGE THE COATHANGER -- WHAT IS A UNBORN BABIES OLYMPIC SPORT… DODGE THE COATHANGER -- Dad: Alive Brother:orphan(fault=Mother) Me:dead on the inside but sadly alive Mother:Alive… Wait a minute… I thought you were dead mom… right your dead to me atleast. -- kid: finds gini lamp wishes to be batman gini: your now a orphan -- Q:Why are orphans so scared to get maried? A: They don’t know what it feels like to have a family. -- what is an orphans least favorite song? we are family -- What are two things orphans can’t have -- Guy: are you gay, I’m orphan. -- Why can an orphan not do school work? Because they have to take there work home to there parents -- Why can’t orphans watch clean nice content because they are family friendly -- Being an orphan always has an upside for instance a bag of chips is family sized -- What is the difference between a tall kid and an orphan. One is tall enough that their parents can see them. -- Why do orphans not get family size because they don’t have a family to share with -- What’s the worst thing to happen to an orphan? -- orphan: help im lost someone: wears your parents orphan: >;( -- Y is it good to be an orphan? Because every bag of chips is family sized -- Where do all orphan chickens end up. Foster farms -- Teacher- Tim where are your parents its been 15 minutes!? Tim (Orphan)- yeah um, they cant come. Teacher- why not? Tim- they’re too busy working in heaven -- Why cant orphans go outside? Because they have no parent to watch them! -- Why cant orphans go outside? Because they’re parents cant watch them! -- Why cant orphans go outside? Because they’re parents aren’t there to watch them! -- Why dont Orphans go to the park? -- why do orphans play GTA? To feel wanted -- the f in orphan means family even though there’s no f -- Why can’t the orphan play baseball -- Why can orphans play baseball? -- Why do orphans mehfjekskkskdjfjdkdkks -- Why cant ophans play baseball They cant make it to home plate -- Why do orphans love baseball? -- Why did the orphan drop the soap in prison? So he can have a prison daddy -- why cant orphans be gay -- Why cant orphans go on field trips -- Whats the similarities of an orphan and a water fountain -- Guy on fornite: Ima sleep with your mom lmao Orphan: Starts crying -- When an orphan takes a family photo it’s called a selfie -- why can’t orphans use iphones? -- Go up to an orphan and say : yer ma is deed -- Why cant orphans play games parents sig -- Why can’t a orphan play baseball in China?. They can’t find home plate -- Why can’t orphans go on a field trip : Because they don’t have a parent signature . -- Why can’t orphan’s play base ball??? -- why cant an orphan hit a home run -- Why do orphans go on holiday To see what family is like -- what did the kid said to the orphan well i at least i have parents -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? because they can’t Find home -- Whats the differnce between orphans and apples. Apples get picked -- my life -- Other condom name is a orphan’s home -- Why do orphans die when a tornado come. They don’t have parents to perfect them -- Why cant orphans have a home button on their phone. Because the dont have homes -- What do you call an orphan selfie…? A family photo 😌 -- Why cat I be gay…I have nobody to call"daddy" -- Your parents -- Me talks to an orphan: hey I have a joke Orphan: go on then Me: your family tree -- My best friend is an orphan and we try to have sleepovers, but his parents never say yes. -- What show do orphans hate the most? Fullerb -- Why can Orphan’s only have IPhone 13? Because there is no home button -- Bo - hey kids I am so sad that you won’t exercise and give me Bo power so I am just going to be a orphan kids changing the channel to Annie Annie- Tomorrow tomorrow only a day away * TV changing the channel back to Bo On The Go Dezzy- WAAAAAAAAAA I can’t find Bo -- What did the orphan say to the adopter. Nothing he just stared -- Monster: “ I will devour your family. “ Orphan: “ oh. “ -- I asked a kid were there parents were… Lol -- Me: Where’s your mom? Kid: cries Me: leaving from the adoption center -- What’s the difference between an apple and an orphan? the apple gets picked -- How do you get an orphan to go to sleep? -- What does a Orphan call a family picture?.. A selfy -- why do orphans hate the internet Because on the internet people have family’s -- Why can’t orphans learn about Ancient Egypt? Because they won’t know what a mummy is. -- Orphan: Shooting gun at shooting range, "I’m out of bullets, got a magazine?" Guy: that’s probably because your S I N G L E -- What is a “dad”? -- if you’re ever bored, pee on an android apple is better -- roses are gay violets are also gay if you read you are gay -- Why can’t orphans have sex, my friends; why, me; they have none to call daddy -- Why can’t orphans have sex? -- The top worst thing for an orphan, and probably the most awkward one, is when they’re having sex and the other person is calling them mommy or daddy. -- Why couldn’t the orphan play baseball? Because he didn’t know where home was -- What do you call your mom. GAY -- Whenever I’m bored, I hit up my local orphanage and beat some of them up. I mean honestly, what are they going to do tell there parents? 😂😂 -- can orphans eat at a fmaily resturant? -- i made a websites for orphans. -- One orphan said daddy chill I was like you don’t have a dad -- Your mom wants to tell you that your adopted but you were an orphan. -- Peter: curses Sam: Wow do you kiss your mom with that mouth? Peter: Jokes on you I don’t have a mom. Tony: * having a heart attack* AFSJDHFKJJD Peter we talked about this!!! -- Why do orphans have 363 days on the calendar because they don’t have mothers or Father’s Day 😂🤣 -- What movie do orphans hate the fast and furious. -- Orphans prayer In the name of the The son The holy Spirit Amen -- why can’t orphans play baseball because they can’t find home base -- Why do can’t orphans play baseball?? -- why cant orphans play baseball -- Isn’t it sad that orphans are only allowed self raising flours Orphan-👁👄👁 -- Why do orphans hate cricket? Because they cant get a homerun -- An orphan went on a game show. -- what do orphans and dinosaurs have in common their parents are extinct -- Why do orphans want to get married so bad?To have someone to call “daddy” -- why do orphans like spider man 100% of them are like him -- Why can’s orphans play bass ball -- HIIIIIIIIIII I LOVE ORPHANS -- Why do orphans have s3x? -- I saw a little kid crying today. I asked where his parents were, and he started to cry more. I left the orphanage to get some milk after that. -- Why can’t a orphan go to school? They have no one to sign the parent signature. -- What’s the difference between an apple and an orphan An apple gets picked -- yo mama so fat her belly button got 15 minutes before her -- Dad: I’m taking your toys to the orphanage. Child: But why? Dad: Because you’re going to need them there. -- if a old person tells you what to do just say at least my parants are alive! -- Why do orphans go to church? So atleast they will have some one to call father. -- give me the most likes on this site -- I made a website for orphans but there’s no homepage -- pp in the poo poo -- I would create an orphan website… But you need a home page to do that. (since somebody stole this joke before)🤷‍♀️ -- If your ever bored punch an orphan what are they gonna do tell their parents. -- i farted how bout u / -- If Jeffy goes to a orphanage he will die how is he supposed to move -- Why can’t orphans play base ball, cuz they can’t find home -- The F in Orphan stands for family. -- why cant orphans play base ball cuz they cant run home -- What’s an orphans fav roblox game? Adopt me, so they can get adopted. -- my dick is like the way home for an orphan,its length is never-ending -- Teacher:every1 tomorrow is bring your mom to school day Me:srry but my moms not gonna make Teacher:why Me: im an orphan bitch -- I don’t give two shits about how evil these are there funny -- ur mum gay -- WHOEVER IS AN ORPHAN AND WANTS THESE TO GO OR IF YOU JUST WANT THEM TO GO AWAY COMMENT DOWN BELLOW OR IF YOU CAN’T COMMENT GIVE IT A THUMBS UP! -- Why can’t orphan have horse -- Orphan joke protest idea -- Why are orphans gay cuz they can’t come out to any one -- Orphans’ calendar consists of 362 days. Why? -- Why do orphans play gta -- Why do orphans like boomerangs? Because then they can play catch. -- Orphans are human too! They have parents like all of us, so I don’t know why they’re saying it’s fun to make fun of an orphan. Have you ever been too cold and wondered if your parents are going to have another child and not you? That’s not funny! It is% 9000,000 NO !!! -- Why cant an orphan role-play Star Wars? Because they have no one to play Darth Vator -- Why can’t orphans play baseball -- cooper and max wanna get fucked in the ass by guys -- Orphans don’t have parents!!1! ahahahaha ahahaha plz like and subscribe and hit that bell icon #logang #imagamerpersonwedontfuckwiththegenderbinary #wedontfuckingeneral #nofilter #rememberifyousubscribethenisubscribeback -- Why can’t orphans play Baseball? -- Your mom gay lol -- What’s the difference between a orphan and a watermelon? -- If your ever bored just rape an orphan, what are they going to do tell their parents! Hahaha come one people they don’t have parents we can do what we like with them… rape…hurt…and sale them! -- Why can’t orphans play baseball -- Max alexender heart is adopted -- Max heart and his gay cousin nickals amoto say i back out a fight when he said let’s fight then last minute he said he don’t want to then says i chickened out i ready to fight but his gut swolled his arms he actually looks like humpty dumpty but just wanted to say he backed out + max and nickals are both gay with each other -- What’s the difference between an orphan and a donut? People wants donuts -- If your mad hire a orphan what they gonna do there parents🤣🤣 -- Why cant a orphan play baseball? Because they cant find home plate. -- i wach sexy gorls amv and my pp goes up and down and up -- Why cant orphans play basketball? Because they dont know were home is -- Orphan: I want to kill my parents Random kid: I don’t think you have the facilities to do that big man -- Why do orphans have to be homeschooled. Because they cant be home schooled -- Why cant orphan kids play baseball? Cause they cant find home. -- Why couldn’t the orphan play baseball? -- So dark Many jokes about orphans God this is the second worst thing to happen to these orphans -- I’m at the circus, Noah O’Brien -- Why cant orphanes play basball? because they have no home -- I was playing Baseball with a orphans but when they hit a homerun they had nowhere to go -- Best friend :let’s get tattoos of our parents .orphan: I don’t have parents -- What did the orphan say to his mom -- Why do orphans not play bingo? Because they don’t know what a full house is -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? Because they can’t find their way home -- Why cant orphans go to parents evening because there parents left them -- why do orphans place baseball, -- imagine being an orphan * kid beside me crying* -- At a orphans funeral you say your dad came back -- If you bully a kid. Bully an orphan. -- why cant an orphan have a website? …no homepage -- Why can’t orphans have family size chip bags? because they have no family to have them with. -- you -- What is the best part of being an orphan? -- why do orphans like the move home alone? -- why can’t orphans play baseball? -- An orphan goes to a family restaurant with her doll “I’m sorry but you can’t be here,” said the man “this is a family restaurant” the orphan said “this is my family” then pointed to her doll. -- evan me and you mom are done with you -- send me back inever liked u -- reeeeeeeeeeeee -- Where do you think all the orphans went? In the world trade center, I trapped them in so they can finally get to their parents. -- why do orphans not play sport? because they need parents permission -- Q why can’t orphans play baseball A they don’t have home to run back to -- Q what is the difference between a dead body and an orphan A the dead body had a family -- Just to an orphan. Orphan: your stupid You: your so ugly, it’s the reason your parents are dead. -- What’s yellow and can’t swim -- why cant orphans work at S.C. johnson… cause its a famliy company… -- What is the difference between an apple and an orphan? Apples are picked -- In home alone if the kid was an orphan it would just be called “alone” -- Did you know, that a orphan can take a selfie and family photo at the same time. -- What’s the difference between an orphan and an apple? Apples get picked. Lel I hope you guys like this joke -- to RANDYYYY, -- ruhan -- Why can’t orphan play baseball because there is no homeplat -- why do orphans love Dom Toretto -- Orphan more like “poor”phan because nobody likes him :)();((;’ -- Why do orphans live pm the street -- Why can’t orphans have the dad jokes? Because they don’t got one -- What do you call an orphan taking a selfish? -- Why can’t orphans convert to Catholicism? Because Catholics believe in no sex before marriage. -- Brendon just shut up no one was talking too you one the fucking joke! And my sis is not a female dog if she was then how the hell would she spell! -- whats the difference between your mom and fat female cow… a female cow doesn’t have a dick -- PENIS WAIT WHAT OENIS SUCK MINE DADDY SORRY YOUR ARE AN ORPHAN -- YOUR GAY IF YOU SEE THIS -- You can always bully an orphan. Who are they gonna tell, their parents?! -- Why couldn’t the orphan use the swing, because they had no arms. -- Why can’t orphans play baseball? -- Me: I just shot a orphan Mate: you can’t do that Me:what are they gonna do tell there parents -- What’s a Orphans favorite website -- why cant orphans play baseball. they cant find -- If you ever get bored just hit an orphan, what are they gonna do? tell their parents? -- Why couldn’t a orphan use a fighter jet -- orphans are depressed hahaha -- What do u call an orphan, Batman -- Philza: PUT THE ORPHAN DOWN TECHNOBLADE- NO DON- Technoblade: R.I.P orphan -- Why do orphans not know how to play baseball Because they cannot find the home -- Nock nock who’s there boo boo hoo don’t cry baby -- What do Orphans and sperm donor kids have in Calmin They don’t have dads -- The other day my mom called me a retard I’m now an orphan -- HI everyone that is mean to freshfry,Addison banks, drew,watersharky,Gwen,and jk master fucking get off this site bully’s I love everyone here except the bullies! -- These are meannnnn -- hi im bob -- What do Joe Biden and orphans have in common? No one loves them! -- Why do orphans suck a baseball? : Cause they can’t find home. -- When you’re angry, punch an orphan. What are they gonna do? Tell their parents? -- A PRIEST AND A RABBI RUN OUT OF A BURNING BUILDING -- Why do orphan like fucking other dads? Because they get to have a daddy. -- Why can´t Orphans have gay sex? They have no one to call daddy. -- Go fuck yourself -- What do you call an orphan with parents? Idk I never met one before Bonus joke: I went up to an orphan and asked where his parents were he said “I don’t have any” I said “wonder why” Another bonus joke: Me: hey orphan: hey me: what do you do for fun Orphan: look for my parents Me: me so their not dead? Orphan: no they just abounded me More bonus’s: what do you call a homeless kid An orphan last bonus Why don’t orphanages teach kids about home Because they can’t find one lmao this is so funny dark humor can be funny sorry orphans -- stop ruining the jokes its called worst jokes ever for a reason we all feel bad for orphans but people like dark humor and joke about everyone so quit being offended plz -- Why cant orphans have sex? they do not have any one to call daddy -- Why can’t orphans play baseball -- If your ever bored, just punch an orphan because what are they gonna do? Tell their parents? -- Why can’t orphans live? -- What’s a orphans favorite toy a boomerang becuase it actually comes back -- What does a kid say to an orphan, where’s your parents. I don’t have parents where are yours are you an orphan like me? I hope not -- Why can’t orphans tell jokes -- Why can’t orphans do homeschool they don’t have a home to do so -- Mom! Mom! The class called me an arphan -- How did the orphan die -- Why can’t orphans go to field trips -- your mum isn’t home -- y cant orphans play baseball… bc they dont no where home is -- Why do orphans only have 363 days in the year? Because they don’t have a mother or father’s day -- TO GWEN AND FRESHFRY: Hi Gwen and fresh fry you have been so amazing to me and now to my sister. you are the people who I look up to people r mean to us because i am adopted. thank you for all of your support!!! -- Whats the difference between a orphan and a apple The apple gets picked -- What did the orphans mum say before she abandoned her child? OH it’s a b#tch -- I punched an orphan and he told me to leave him alone i said “what are you gonna do tell your parents” -- stop naking these i a orphan pls stop -- Man: oi dude why did you shoot the orphans!? Other man: because Man: because why!? Other man: because who are they gonna tell their parents? -- A boi found a magic vase and a genie came out and told hiM he had one wish the boy said I wanna be like Batman the genie said ok your wish is granted the boy Came home later that day and his parents were dead -- What is the difference between an apple and an orphan? An apple has a family tree -- How do you get an orphan sad -- Whats the difference between a watermelon and an orphan One you cut into 2 with a knife And the water melon you cut into pieces -- what is the worst movie to watch at an orphanage batman -- Sonic says… April 1st is the best day do a school shooting they will think it’s a joke 😃 -- A priest and Rabbi run out of the orphanage -- If you ever bored, beat up an orphan, what are they gonna do? Tell their parents? -- tell me orphan jokes are a really bad joke. people are really orphans and there is a lot of em, and they are all depresed who would make fun of deppresed people? well those dumbass evil people!! -- wat did the orphans do when the bombs drop? -- What would a orhan ask for christmas ? -- what is the difference between an orfen and a apple? -- your gay -- What does an orphan call home -- ME: when I saw an orphan on the street in rags also me: are u okay orphan: yeah what gave it way ME: because you have no family -- Why cant orphans have a gf? -- Why do Orphans like to play mincraft. -- Phone Rings; Are your parents home? Orphan; Stop calling here. -- Evan David Sandri is gay and he is adopted -- I would create and orphan website… But you need a home page to do that. -- What were the orphan’s mom and dad’s names? John & Jane Doe -- The orphan had to earn money because he didn’t have parents to give him/her and allowance… -- If orphans aren’t religious, they really have no father. 😂 -- Why can’t an orphan play baseball -- why did the orphan go outside the school A: cause it was take your parents to school day -- Why can’t orphans close their video games? -- Why can an orphan only get an iPhone x? -- What’s and orphans favorite sport? Baseball Because that’s the only time they can run home. -- What flavour do you buy an orphan? Self raising -- Why do all orphans buy a iphone x? Because they have no home button -- Why do orphans love christmas -- why didn’t orphan go home -- Alex hi you here!? -- Do you know why orphans dont have parents ? Because no one rasied you -- Orphan. Where are my parents -- i like chips -- why do orphans play gta -- my balls when i see tazzaro: boioioioioioingWhy don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is!Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is!Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is! -- tazzaro be like : Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is!Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is!Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is!Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is!Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is!Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is!Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is! -- What’s the difference between a apple and a orphan -- Why Can’t a Orphan go on Away games? -- Orphan- I want to be a relator
Teacher- Why? Orphan- Because I never had one in my childhood. -- If u ever get board just punch a orphan in the face whats he going to do tell hi parents -- Why don’t orphans do homework? They don’t have a home to do it in. -- If you are ever mad, punch an orphan. What are they gonna do, tell their parents? -- why cant orphans play baseball -- I made a website for orphans but it didn’t have a home page -- What do you do when a orphan gets you mad? A stab to the neck and a bullet to the face. -- Why did the orphan not play baseball cuz he couldn’t find home -- Beans and toast -- You cant give a orphan homework -- Why can’t orphans play baseball they ain’t got no home to run to -- teacher: ok kids time to go home The orphan: what is home? teacher: here I have somewhere for you puts in trash can -- Why cant orphans play baseball? -- Why can’t orphans go on go big or go home? -- Why cant orphans play baseball? Answer: Because they don’t have a home -- Oooo Gabriel casey -- what are orphan favorite sports team? the home team -- why can’t an orphan play soccer? if he can’t find home he can’t find goal -- why are orphans different from apples appels get picked -- kid: ur mom orphan: (cries) -- What do you call an orphan? Homeless -- GWEN ARE YOU DEAD??? IF NOT I AM ALYA THANKS FOR ALWAYS STANDING UP FOR ME!!! -- what do you call an orphan at a construction site? -- What do you call an awesome when he’s taking a photo? -- Why cant orphans play baseball? Cause they cant find home -- what did the orphan say when his mum asked "what do you want for dinner?" he replied " " -- Alya and freshfry -- What is a orphan and a apple They get picked -- Why are orphans always on the toilet? Because they don’t have anyone to give him some toilet paper! -- I found a place before called an orphanage but when I was aloud in there where lots of kids and I said where’s your parents oh yeah your orphans. “Gosh that was one hecka day” -- Girls being 14, look 18, act 21. Boys 21, look 18 and act 14 -- I saw an off orphan and asked them if they had parent permission -- Why cant orphans go on vacation -- Why are orphans lucky because they don’t need a license plate because they don’t have a home -- any food a orphan has is a family sized meal -- Why did orhanbe come to famous -- what is the difference between a orphan and a apple. a apple actually gets picked -- What’s the difference between a boomerang and an orphans parents? -- What is the difference between an orphan and Pokemon? People choose Pokemon instead -- How do you make an orphan shut up -- Why can’t orphans go on field trips? -- What do you call a orphan taking a selfie. -- Why do orphans love tornadoes because they always pick you up -- Why are orphans good at mat because they can subtract there parents from the family -- Why do orphans not know Dom Toretto? -- Why can’t orphans have an iPhone? -- why do orphan have water in cereal -- What do you call a orphan taking a selfie A family portrait… You might say I’m mean but what are they gonna do… tell their parents -- Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is! -- Guys, we should stop making jokes about orphans, their parents will get mad. Oh…Wait…Continue. -- What did the parents say to the parents , -- The best thing about an orphan they don’t have to suffer from your mama jokes -- How do you make an orphan’s hands bleed -- What is an orphans favorite movie ? -- Why can’t orphans stand Darth Vader? Because he’s their father. -- Bob y r u kicking the kids What it’s not like they have a home to go to -- Why can’t orphans call there friends? -- why cant orphan’s be gay-they got no one to call daddy -- What does off-limits have in common with dead people because they can’t see their family -- What does dead people and often it’s having common because they can’t see the family -- What is an orphan’s least favorite movie -- I made a website for orphans the thing is there was no homepage. -- what do u need a apple bc u got a izzy -- Why can’t a orphan celebrate Father’s Day and Mother’s Day becuse they have no parents -- Why did the Orphan have imaginary parents -- Why dosen’t the orphan have any toys bc his lego figures ran away to -- What is an orphans least favorite tv show Full house -- Why is an Orphan good at being naught? Bc they don’t have no one to tell them of -- What’s and orphans favorite holidays mothers and Father’s Day -- What do you call an orphans home. No home. -- Why can’t orphans become youtubers? They don’t have electricity! -- how do you poop -- what dose a orphan call a family photo a sefey -- why cant a orphans go on a field trip??? -- Why can orphans play baseball.? Because they dont know where home is -- why did the orphan cross the road because he doesnt have parnets -- Why can’t a orphan play baseball cause he can’t hit a home run -- whats red, takes my belt and wat i got from a wierd children house. an orphan -- this is not a joke its a warning! -- it’s fucked up how people make these jokes and when orphans read them it makes them feel worse about them selfs I should know I’m an orphan -- hey look its that TRAINS gender guy he says i like trains uh o -- tbh I was not even talking to u guys I was talking to The funny jokes about ariana and people where saying she was adopted so tbh fuck off! -- Why was the orphan able to avoid getting into trouble at school? -- Who thinks people should stop doing orphan jokes! Type here so we can talk about it. -- Why did the Asian parents have a Asian baby -- what the difference between a cheater and your mom:they both cheated -- orphans have no parents -- Orphan:I fucked your mom -- Orphans: Sad, Depressed, Lonely, VIRGIN -- An orphan walks on a path asking for his mum soon he remembers he dont have a mum (also i had sex with ur mum ahe was screaming daddy~ ;) ) -- If you’re ever bored, jump on Vedanta, what is he going to do, tell his parents? (he probably will) -- why cant orphans play base ball they dont know where home is -- hi koko you siad we met a few years ago what is your real name lol -- Why can’t orphans go to college cuz they have no one to talk to💀💀💀💀💀 -- Why are orphans bad at poker? -- What do you call it when an orphan takes a selfie? A family photo -- What’s the difference between a apple and an orphan -- What is the same thang between apples and orphans -- orphan: Favorite song my name: -- Why do orphans not play baseball Because they can’t make a home run. -- Orphan: Lets play baseball! Girl:No you can’t Orphan:Why? Girl:because you cant find home -- Why do orphans love to play family Because the closest they will be to being normal. -- Why is an orphan like a boomerang because they always come back. -- Dad= " I’ll be back in a minute. 20 years later Orphan="Dad? -- Why do Orphans don’t like to eat big bags of chips : because there family size -- What do you call an orphan taking a selfie -- Your adopted that’s why your mom or dad never came back with the milk -- Q: Why don’t orphans have a personality? A: They don’t have a person in reality! -- I said to the orphan “do you want me take you to your family oh wait…” -- Me: You know you parents were very good people Orphan: Wow I didn’t know that Me: I know your an orphan -- Why does an orphan go to church? so they call someone father -- Hey don’t Orpheus have friend because the people do have family -- ITS NOT A MISTAKE ITS A ✨ MASTERPIECE ✨ -- what do you call an orphan with a selfie? -- What do you call a orphan living with ghosts A happy family -- Why your nan gay because shes an orphan -- What do orphans use to make breakfast…- my ass🤣🤣 -- ur mom -- Q:How hit an Orphan A: Hit them with an family tree -- suk ya mums bum -- Why can’t orphans sex, because they have no one to call daddy -- what does your mum have in common with your dad? they are both men -- fat moms -- drew here freshfry you are almost deadfry! i forgive you just don’t do it again you know what I am talking about! -- frshfry we need to talk now! -- Why do orphans always ask Alexa to order milk? Because their dad never brung it home -- Where did a chicken orphan go? -- Why do orphans not love there parents -- Why do orphans not have parents -- Why cant orphans play baseball? -- why do orphans love dogs because dogs stay with them -- Why are orphans lonely Because they don’t have parents to talk to -- What do u call a orphan who can’t get a 5 stars on gta not wanted -- Some one Telling a joke: Boy: my parents are dead Girl: My grandad is too Orphan who listened to it: that joke is dead Person who told the joke: so is ur family -- why did the orphan cross the road to die on the other side -- Sorry for the interruption I am ALYA and i am disappointed in you guys you shouldn’t bully or make fun of Orphans they didn’t choose their life what happened in their life. what happens if you were an orphan and people are making fun of you. would you like that? -- STOP WITH DUMB ORPHAN JOKES U DUMB ASS PEOPLE!!! THEIR NOT FUNNY ONE BIT SO STOP!!! -- What did one orphan say to another? Where’s your home? -- Why can’t a orphan play baseball -- i was walking and i saw a orphan and i said where are your parents -- who are ?you oh im orphan! oh … bye ! :/ :( -- Why can’t orphans get a homerun? -- Why can’t orphan play baseball -becuase they can’t find home base -- An orphan goes up to someone the guy ses were are you parents -- Why do orphans play tennis? -- What is a pizza that an orphan can’t have -- tell your adopted kid you want to take them back home, and tell them their oringinal parents want them, and get them all excited, then take them to the orphanage, and tell them their parents died. -- Prince do u love that girl gwen more than me! Remember when u where at my house -- Why are orphans so bad at baseball? They don’t know where home is. -- i have a body count 7 -- Why can orphans get away with being bad at school. They do not have parents to bring to parent/teacher confreneces -- Why do orphans want an iPhone S because it has a Home Screen -- Why cant orphans become famous? Because it will become easier for Technoblade to track them down -- If your bored, just punch and orphan! What are they gonna do….tell their parents -- even if you do burn down an orphange it’s not gonna matter. it’s not like they have homes -- why can’t orphans play baseball because they can’t because they can’t find home -- Why don’t orphans play baseball? Cause they don’t know where home is! -- Why Don’t Orphans Play Baseball? Cause They Can’t Find Home -- When a orphan takes a selfie its a family photo -- Orphans and punching bags are almost the same. They get both Hit but punching bag is still wanted -- Why Can’t Orphans Play Catch? Because they don’t have parents to catch the ball -- Why cant orphans play baseball? -- Q: What is the difference between a apple and a orphan A: One of them gets picks -- Why did the chicken cross the road To get to the other side -- Why can,t orphan have sex because they have no one to call daddy -- What did the orphans mom say to him when he got into trouble? -- Why can a orphan play baseball they don’t know where home is -- Hi guys! In my opinoion I think your jokes are non-funny! can you make more sense! Btw who writes jokes about orphan> Thanks for understanding! -- Why cant orphans play baseball? They don’t know where home is. Sorry for the dark joke :> -- if you’re ever bored adopt and orphan, what is he going to do, be kissed by vedanta? -- One little orphan had roast beef the other had none, One little orphan went to market the other stayed home wait a second. -- FRIEND no so much " Hey wan to come to my house ?" sended
lonly ORPHAN/ trump " want to come to my orphaige? sended -- Once, a mother worked in an orphanage as a cooker. She had a son, and a daughter. Twins. When she was going to her work, she decided to take the twins with her. They we’re happy, they got ready and played with other children while their mother was cooking for other kids. Then, a poor family entered the orphanage. They said they wanted to adopt twins. As soon as they saw the children playing, they notice the womans kids. They said they wanted to adopt them. The manager said they weren’t orphans, but before he said it, a teacher accidentally gave them to the poor family under the names of Layla and Logan. The kids we’re Kyle and Kayla. They went away with their new children, but the kids cried, they said they weren’t orphans and that their mother was in the orphanage, cooking. The poor family didn’t believe, they thought it was the children’s reaction of getting adopted. The woman went outside of the kitchen, she didn’t see her children. She asked the teacher… And when she found out, she screamed and ran outside. She was running at the poor family, when they thought she was a psychopath and wanted to kill them. When Kyle and Kayla looked back, they saw their mother. They swinged their hands so the poor family could let them away. They ran to their mother and hugged her. The poor family got shocked and called the cops. But the mother, she showed the documents and her parent rights. This all explains the worst joke, Yo Momma Lost Ya. -- o r p h a n -- Note to all. -- add me on xbox live ironstriker1316 -- What do you call and Orphan with no legs in an adoption center? -- i need a lovely lady to spoil i have a big dick and a very clean house add me now -- my dad left for milk 4 hours ago, anyone know where he is -- how do orphan jokes start? -- When you’re bored punch an orphan what are they gonna do tell there parents -- Why are orphans bad at baseball -- My friend walk down street, wee wee on car -- why cant orphans play monopoly?? cause they cant put a house -- never kill an orphin cuz then that will end their mizuri -- Q: Why can’t orphans play baseball A: Cause they can’t get back to home -- Why dont Orphans play baseball. They dont know where home is. -- Why can’t orphans play cricket? Because they can’t find home -- Why can’t a orphan hit a home run Bc he doesn’t have a home -- If an orphan was to get a takeaway what’s the home address -- Why do orphans never play baseball??? Cause they can never find home -- why can an orphan relate to a pack of banana’s because they both split away from their family -- why does blake eat cake? because caleb cant -- every dorito bag for orphans is family sized -- i sucked a dick -- Orphan jokes are just hurtful and that is all they are so please stop -- What did the orphan get for Christmas nothing because his parents ran away double whammy orphan jokes r like a kid with cancer it never gets old 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👌👌👌👌👌 -- Penis -- Why any orphans have sex? Because they can’t call anyone daddy -- I am gay -- Why can’t orphans fly’ Because they’re still flying -- big pp suck sook -- y do orphans have sex toys becuse the unkle isnt there -- What do orphans and Trump supporters have in common? No one likes them -- zach is a gay kid from rob love you -- An orphan walks into a bar and the bar man says.”what are you doing here you need parent’s permission!” “Oh No who will I ask?” The orphan says -- If your boarded hump Danny and fuck him whatishe goons do fuck rock -- Why is something orphans can never say? Let’s go home -- I didn’t orphan never say home -- Why do orphins only have 363 days in year because there is no mother or fathers day -- Kyler go on this one -- Why can’t orphans eat big bags of chips? -- why cant orphans play baseball? cuz they cant find home -- Why cant orphans play baseball because thay cant fined home -- Why do orphans eat cereal with water? Cause mommy never gave them some -- What do you call a orphan taking a selfie? -- hi good morning alex are you on this is so chat… -- What’s an orphan’s favourite movie? Home Alone -- Where do orphans go to celebrate graduation Their parents -- if an orphan got hit will they do tell there parents. -- Why did the orphan jump into the burning building? It was to cold because they did not have a home. -- When an orphans playing baseball how come the coach doesn’t tell them to hit it home he has no home to hit to -- Why can’t orphans play base ball? Because they can’t find home -- What do you call an orphan who takes a selfie? -- penis balls cum <3 -- STOP STOP THE ORPHAN JOKERS -- whats brown and sticky a orphan -- Why did the orphan cross the ride i forgot -- Why can’t an orphan play baseball -- best part about being an orphan? -- Q:what is the difference between an apple and an orphan? A: applets get picked -- Who is an orphans favorite soccer player. Been fostered -- why does your mom hate you -- New protest -- Me: (Jaiden) Why are you crying? Do you know where your parents are? Orphan: *Sobs “No.” -- Oblock -- why do orphans love violent video games like GTA? Their never had parents to protect them from it -- Why don’t orphans play GTA? -- Orphan joke protest! Orphans are nice and Kind so stop joking about them! sign a comment and put me or anything else to protest about! -- penis i like penis -- whats the differences between an apple and a orphan? A apple gets picked -- I spit on a orphan…what is he going to do tell his parents Why are orphans bad at baseball they can never find home -- Shut the fuck up I am an orphan -- Why do all orphans get iPhone x’s -- Why do orphans cry so much? -- Why can’t orphans be a space ship because they don’t have a mothership😝😝😝🤪. -- Y’uree (🙄😒): Bruh … listen … gangbang … sex … the same -- I when to the orphans to paint a picture of there parents so they can actually talk to them -- me: says to kid at adoption center you adopted me and kid: hug -- Stop posting things on orphan jokes then! -- Orphan joke protest! If you think orphan jokes are bad and wrong! Then comment good comments if not then just comment! Lets reach 67,000 comments good! -- follow my twitch fifa_king1122 -- Me: Jaiden telling orphan jokes to my friend. -- Pov. Orphans rull the world. God said I’m your dad. Then kills himself. The orphan waaaaa! -- why cant orphans be gay? because they have no one to call daddy!!! -- why cant orphans play baseball because its not original at all -- Why couldn’t the girl with no arms hug her parents? Because she had none of the above -- Why can’t orphans play baseball/softball? They never get to home! -- Why can’t orphans play baseball. -- what did the orphan say to the other? ROBIN GET THE BATMOBILE! -- Whats the difference between an orphan and an apple? -- This is a bad one but why do orphans hate there life even more in 2021 -- Why do Orphans prefer trucks, because unlike every other it is different. -- At least 32 people hear love orphans and hate orphan jokes. And I thank all the people who particapate in this protest -- everyone ALYA is ok!!! she got up she can walk and she can talk regular!!! -- Why cant orphans play baseball?? -- why cant orphans play baseball -- why do orphans not have a home because they don’t have a family -- imogen savage will send you nudes @imogensav is her snap -- Why are there only 362 days in an orphans calendar? They don’t have Fathers, Mothers or family day -- Why do orphans hate going in public? Because theres kids out with there parents. -- what do you Call a kid that lives alone? -- why do orphans love GTA because they are actually wanted -- dmitriy has no mother -- What something a orphans phones don’t have. Home buttons -- I made a website for orphans. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a home page. -- people have houses but I don’t have a house bc I do t have parents:said the orphan -- Why do orphans play tennis? -- Why does orphans become bullys Because there mum and dad was never there for him -- Hey so i like orphan jokes and some of them are fun but i think thats engonp -- Why did the orphan kill himself when he found out who his dad was,because he found out there dad was Donald Trump. -- Bully (😟) : Gina, why are you such a whore ??? -- hipity hopity get the fuck off my property -- Your mom is ugly -- Why don’t orphans have parents. Cause they were abandoned. -- why did the orphan say help? he needed his brother -- I had a dad -- alyas dad died thats comedy something not funny is like blm -- STOP THE ORPHAN JOKES!!! -- I told a joke to an orphan turns out he wasn’t and orphan… -- When your bored punch and orphan, what are they gonna do, tell their Parents? -- why cant orphans play baseball? because they can make a home run -- What movie do orphans hate most? Way home -- Why cant orphans play base ball? Because they cant find home -- why can’t an orphan play baseball cuz they don’t know where home is -- EMEETT BRWTN IS FATT -- Why do orphans not play call of duty? Because they have to land at houses. -- OK so Kenya and Kariah are both orphans that hate orphan jokes so how about we make a joke out of them! -- what has legs but cant walk…dont know?A paralyzed person;)) -- Y are you an orphan? Loser… -- guys i am aly’s friend ava come over here -- Bully (😏): Name 3 things you don’t have. -- Why do orphans play baseball -- why do orphans cry cause they got no family -- Why can orphans get away with being bad at school, because when the teacher says I want to have a parent/teacher conference they just go about their day -- Why can’t orphans have a house pet -- knock knock whos there not your dad -- why cant a orphan play baseball -- Why cant i talk in the dark -- why did wilson die cuz he sucks -- why does an orphan go to church? so they call someone father -- What show can the orphan relate to…Full house -- an orphans family photo,empty -- Bully (😟): Gina, why are you such a whore ??? -- What do you call the type of photo an orphan takes -- evans so gay i mouth kissed him -- Orphans more like or fans!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 -- um please do not swear there is no need could you maybe just find clean jokes. -- Why can’t orphans drink nothing because they don’t have any money -- why cant orphan play baseball, because they cant find home -- What did the mom tell her son when he asked for a bowl of cereal? sSorry your dad wasn’t came back with the milk yet -- Orphans have feelings too, but I don’t understand why it’s fun to make fun of them, right? -- why are oprhans so gayyyyyyy -- why do orphans enjoy orgasms -- If your ever bored hit a orphan what are they gonna do tell the parents -- damn yall hit it hard with tows jokes -- orphans will eat toes for food -- why are orphans called orphans cause there gay -- Why can’t orphan play baseball -- Why can’t an orphan play baseball, because he can’t find home plate -- Why cant a orphan hut a home run? Bc they dont know where home is -- Why Can a orphan go to a store to buy something what can come back home. Because They don’t have a home -- why cant orphans play baseball because they cant go home -- A orphan was playing with a famous baseball player. The baseball player walks up to him and says “dude, I gotta teach you”. The orphan goes “why I got all your moves down”. The baseball player goes “but kid you can never find home though”. -- the f in orphan stands for amily there is no f -- Why do orphans have a iPhone10 Because it doesn’t have a joke button -- Why can’t orphan have a good childhood because they could not go to Theme parks😅😅 -- HOE -- i’m pregnant -- what is yellow and can’t swim. a bus full of orphans. -- stoptheorphanjokes -- Stop doing these orphan jokes pls Rob . -- Why can orphans convert to Catholicism? Because Catholics believe in no sex before marriage. -- You mama -- Orphans are human too! They just don’t know who their parents are and where! I know 4 sisters named Mariah, Kariah, Lariah and Iariah and they said they are orphans too! And they are sad and they don’t like your jokes! -- Where do orphans go to get a happy meal? -- How. Do you make a orphans hands bleed -- Why do orphans not like the iPhone 11 pro?? -- i see you -- orphan or like or-pan -- what do orphans call a holiday -- why cant orphans suck dick. -- Jarod (😏): Man, Breya Smith is so hot !!! The things I would do! -- Why is the so dumb -- “I fancy Hunter my big suga daddy,” said the orphan, clearly lying. -- Son: I love you dad -- Why can’t orphans tell jokes Because that the parents can’t the jeans because they don’t have any -- Orphan jokes aren’t to made fun of. They’re just aimed at older audiences. Oh wait. -- kidnapper: hey kid, ur mom told me to follow me. orphan: but I don’t have a mom -- Roses are red violets are blue all these orphan jokes have ruined this site Fuck you (I am not visiting this site again, don’t know if I’ll come back. Bye guys! It’s been a long ride but no site can last forever.) -- My name is Mariah Carly Brown and I am an orphan and what do I say about your jokes that are not funny … STOP THEM !!! Dark hummor is mean! All day I go to see all the jokes I find and I see “Orphan jokes”. What kind of sick person likes that kind of joke? By the way it is not a question. I have 3
twin sisters! Lariah. Kariah, and Iariah! Iariah starts with an i! So stop the jokes please! -- STOP MAKING THE JOKES -- Your mum -- orphans r cool -- Why do”s a orphan play baseball they don’t where home is -- Why are butts salty Because there buttered -- what is it called when someone is a wheel chair and in a fire -- Anyone who makes orphan jokes… STOP its rude and not even funny. GET UR BUTT OFF THIS SITE IF UR GONNA BE RUDE! -- Why did the Orphan chase the family cause he was jealous that he did not have a family. -- Why can’t Asian people play baseball -- Hi Liv & KK! It’s me Gwen, remember me from the orphan joke protest? -- Why does the orphan hate family jokes? -- Your mom -- What did the orphan say to the house? Can i live here -- UHHDADDY -- STOP THE FRICKING ORPHAN JOKES!!! STOP THEM NOW! STOP THEM NOW NOW NOW N.O.W -- I’m as bored as heck, someone want to chat? -- You wanna here an orphan joke? Ok here it goes: YOU -- Why didn’t the orphan celebrate their birthday -- Why can,t a orphan be a bully? because the person have parents -- STOP THE ORPHAN JOKES! -- Why can’t orphans fuck there mom because they don’t have one -- Why can’t orphans buy ice cream They don’t have money. -- Depression jokes are wrong,stop making them there cruel and nasty So stop people are feeling like there hated when they read your orphan jokes or depression jokes so PLEASE stop -- ur mam is a transgender ur dadtook a wrong turn just likehis gender ur brother is just gay -- Hi Liv & KK! It’s me Gwen, remember me from the orphan joke protest? -- Why does the orphan hate family jokes? -- Your mom -- What did the orphan say to the house? Can i live here -- UHHDADDY -- STOP THE FRICKING ORPHAN JOKES!!! STOP THEM NOW! STOP THEM NOW NOW NOW N.O.W -- I’m as bored as heck, someone want to chat? -- You wanna here an orphan joke? Ok here it goes: YOU -- Why didn’t the orphan celebrate their birthday -- Why can,t a orphan be a bully? because the person have parents -- STOP THE ORPHAN JOKES! -- Why can’t orphans fuck there mom because they don’t have one -- Why can’t orphans buy ice cream They don’t have money. --