Equinix is one the biggest control schemes that went unnoticed. Datacenters are their focus, not just any centers, but ones meant for big telecom companies, huge businesses, trully massive, massive WAN infrastructures and critical infrastructures Just about every Telecom company relies on them for infrastructure. They are not as big as they seem in paper, for good reason, because they're focused on controlling the key point of infrastructure. They are the Infra of Infra. Heaven's gate. The keys to the kingdom. As of 2020 they have accelerated their acquisitions of other independent datacenters in key countries like Japan and Signapore. Everyone's focus has always been shifted towards Google, Micro, Amazon, but who do these companies rely on for bare metal eventually? Equinix. you think FAANG holds holds everyone by the balls, Equinix holds FANG by the balls.